
All these fuckers afraid of reverse-racism should reverse-birth themselves.

This is my biggest problem with The View: It’s a bunch of people riffing on topics they barely have a superficial understanding of. If The View is going to be classified as a news program, I would hope the hosts would be a little more informed than the average Redditor.

White people do not get to claim to be oppressed, especially based on their race. I’ll gatekeep that all day long.

There’s also Mythic Quest!

Yeah, people like to go overboard in declaring that, say, the Irish were considered non-white, but that was never the case, either culturally or legally. BUT...there was always a fairly obvious and clear-cut white immigrant racial hierarchy, based in part on skin color (pale Scandinavians versus darker-skinned

Asian people are still POC. It’s not the complete picture, but I think we can come to some nuance for ourselves. Whoopi’s own perspective as a Black women doesn’t negate that at one time it was hard being a new Irish or Italian immigrant in America, but eventually white supremacy embraced them and POC just never get

IIRC, Black people were below Slavs in the Nazi racial hierarchy, and Nazis absolutely despised Slavs.

Now playing

Not to mock a perfectly sensible game that many people love, but for some reason Wordle always makes me think of the Numberwang spinoff, Wordwang:

I prefer Absurdle.

Fuck off.

COVID is ending.

People like you have been saying “COVID is ending” or “it will all go away” for almost 2 years now.

Fear porn is what the open carry, book banning, & anti-voting rights people are consuming.

He might not be technically wrong, but he’s also being simplistic as fuck and doing a little cherry picking here. We’ve been dealing with this for over tow years at this point. The situation has evolved and is complex. That little explainer of his barely scratches the surface.

I don’t think anybody ever claimed that getting vaccinated would mean you couldn’t catch or spread COVID, just that it reduced the likelihood dramatically, which is still true. I don’t think any experts have ever said straight up that cloth masks don’t work, just that they’re not as effective as N95's, which is still

This. Boy, I wish I had built my popularity by lying to the masses. I’d love a $100 million check from Spotify to spout bullshit.

[mournfully] Booger...

It shouldn’t be a thing but I think this is being disingenuous.  It’s a thing because of toxic masculinity.  Dissecting such things use to be a mainstay of this website, maybe you could peruse the archives.

Never -ever- forget this jive dancing coon is a massive attention whore trying to grift as much as she can before a younger, newer and louder coon snatches her split ended hairdo and boots her off stage.

yeah... they had so much fun “joking around” that the bar staff, who were interviewed, had to take him off premises.