
“McConnell’s white pride.”

Let’s not forget who the real victim is here - McConnell’s pride.

Why? What’d he do?

An existentialist drama: Snow White And Her Seven Selves

Yep. I can usually end these “debates” by asking for a source of their b.s. I have yet to have someone produce anything to back up their nonsense.

I don’t know why anyone is surprised. The dude made a career out of passing up shots.

There probably aren’t 150 active athletes that have died while playing...ever. Combined. For all reasons. There’s a reason it’s a huge story the rare time this happens. Much less in the last, what, nine months that a vaccine that literally cannot do that to you has been available.

To be fair, I’m sure a lot of Stockton’s nonsense was pulled out of Joe Rogan’s ass as well.

Because he was obviously a crisis actor who was trying to suppress the truth that the election was stolen. C’mon, that question answers itself.

I think Laimbeer - who is indeed a legendary butthead - is really edgy around the people who do not practice prevention protocols:

they deemed a teen who got pregnant by accident too immature to have an abortion.

This makes the Bulls knocking them off all those year that much sweeter. 

I think the word “debate” elevates what Stockton (et al.) is doing in a way that is detrimental to the parts of the subject that actually ought to be discussed. Big ups to Kareem and Det for calling a thing, a thing, but having to do so is hardly advancing our understanding either.

These are the same people who raise like a million dollars through GoFundMe for killer cops.

Snow White and the Seven Garden Gnomes

“The theater is on fire? I hadn’t heard that. Can we look that up?”

Shoulda been a blood bath. Teach those assholes a lesson. Like they do peaceful protestors. 

If Trump hadn’t paved the way for the treasonous insurrectionists, it would have been a blood bath.

When Spotify platformed JRE I considered dropping my sub. Mainly because I DGAF about podcasts (nor do I GAF what celebs think about much of anything). When it comes down to it, Spotify is giving him a shit ton of cash that, in my opinion, would be far better earmarked for musicians, particularly independent musicians.

That still won’t work, his followers will start to wonder what other health aliments he had and try to blame the death on those.