
No one wants to think their penis sounds like Gilbert Gottfried, but chances us that’s the card life has dealt at least a few of us.

Well now I’m thinking of other voices. And... damnit, having a dignified and wise penis voiced by Morgan Freeman also sounds fantastic. 

As the possessor of roman emperor level schnoz descended from a long line a epic snoots I look down my nose at nose jobs. Big noses are sexy AF. The day Jennifer Grey got her beautiful bill sliced off was a tragedy for humanity. Whilst mine has gotten broken a couple of three times (big nose + boxing = target) and is

The party that rails against snowflakes and safe spaces becomes the party of snowflakes and safe spaces.

America is now become a stale mediocre white man scared inaction, they have no more strength from consequences of sedition, hate, misinformation and lies. They are now Russia without the balls to do anything about it.

Or, even simply, they saw that what drove Democrats over the line were minority voters, and they just decided to continue with their campaign to stop them from voting.

Based on what we’ve seen over the past few months, the GOP did everything in their power at an institutional level to cheat, and even had people doing it at an individual level, and they still lost.

I’ll agree with the caveat that I think we need to reassess how we view white supremacy and how it relates to interracial (and intraracial) conflict. Because the history of this country, mainly through the proliferation of mass segregationist policies, most BIPOCs have been quartered off in communities together and

I know it’s early 2000's instead of ‘90's, but since you suggested a show for kids:

“Somebody check on our good friend, Ye.”

KlowdTV seems to be owned by the same people who run OANN.

They're great at comedy. As long as we're only talking about the unintentional kind.

GOP leadership is OK with insurrection, conspiracy to overthrow the government, conspiring with a foreign power, killing 100,000's of innocent ppl by a wrongful invasion, and even, hell, drunkenly shooting people in the face.

Whenever you see “reverse” in relations to some form of discrimination, it’s some white fuckery at play.

Nothing much. Except just how profitable black women’s bodies and features are when packaged in white, but very tanned skin.

The two people* who have caused the most damage to the country and to our democratic processes hate each other, and this is what you find to laugh at? How old are you, exactly?

Cedric had good one liners, DL was always good for current topical humor.

Go ahead MRA knuckledraggers, tell us some more about how the pendulum has swung too far. Dickholes.