
And the ones that aren’t extremist don’t bother to report the behaviour when they see it. Something might be wrong there....maybe

Ban trucks. I’m not first and my ass is also itching. You’d be doing me a favor.

But the crusades derp derp

Nice straw man.

Secular/Christian European oriented culture that recently allowed very large influx of immigrants from a culture with wholly incompatible values.

Go pick up a history book...

Yeah, and we wouldn’t have our country too without your help during World War II.


Why would a hillbilly want to ban trucks, your joke needs a little fine tuning

Well this is shitty. Trucks are supposed to be wonderful movers of industry, transporters of commerce, and a place to get handjobs from hitchhikers, not mass-murder weapons :/


But those white Christian men did not kill in the name of Christianity. HUGE difference

You kidding me? Dude we live in a nearly world wide liberalistic paradise. You can’t say or do anything anymore without being regarded as a “racist” or a “bigot” or whatever pussy ass remarks they come up with.

Nah, it's usually the Middle East, then Europe, then the US.

(Probably not the best time, but there’s a Renault 4 at the 22 second mark)

I don’t get it.

I am honestly scared shitless every time I drive these days. No-one is actually paying attention. It sucks to be a Jalop in the current climate of distracted driving and people being over reliant on their cars sensors to avoid collisions.

Is there a dumbest fucking comment of the day? There should be a dumbest fucking comment of the day. DFCD. Sir you win. This is the dumbest fucking comment of the day.

uhh. thats not how this works. thats not how any of this works.

LOL! Nope; he was outbid this time.