
Well, I wanted to see the ending but Faux Sports moved the race from FS1 to FS2 so my DVR wasn’t able to record it. Their coverage was awful. They kept bouncing around between the two channels. DirecTV’s guide would say that the race was on FS1. I’d turn it on the it would be golf. What a mess.

How about donating it to charity? How about selling it for whatever you can get for it? How about scrapping it?

Who cares? They still sound like shit.

If they get rid of Chris Evans, they’ll have something. He’s really awful. Comparing Harris’ vehicle review to Evan’s vehicle review, you can really see how good Harris was and how lacking Evans was at describing the car. Harris was interesting and engaging while Evans sounded like a guy trying to imitate Top Gear.

Awesome! Another project jeep to sit and rot in your garage/driveway. Good job.

Don’t buy one car with a V12. Buy two V6 Tempos. Amazing cars.

It wasn’t a pet rock, it was a free range rock. Those things are all over Texas. Someone should really do something about them....

Nah, that’s only $500 worth of damage. The guy that works at the wholesaler says so.

Ironically, the Mustang was the victim here!

As a BMW driver, I approve this message.

I’m glad that Jalopnik is staying. Awesome news.

I’d say that the problem is that it’s too close to the format of the old show but with slight tweeks and different people. We used have one guest. Now it’s multiple guests! We used to have the guest do a lap on a racetrack. Now we have the run a stupid rally cross track! All this does is invite comparisons for the


I turned it off when they decided to see how many people they could fit on the couch. WTF were they thinking? It’s quantity over quality.

Ugh. NASCAR is broken. This sport needs some new ideas so badly it’s not even funny. I think the main problem is that they seek out and kill any semblance of innovation. Plus the insist on some very archaic rules like the wheels being attached with five lugs nuts. Also, the races as waaaay too long. There’s not enough

Shouldn’t this be a David Tracy posting?

Michigan repealed its helmet law because it was hurting motorcycle tourism. The states around Michigan didn’t have helmet laws and so Michigan was losing out on riders coming to Michigan for motorcycle runs, lighthouse tours “Up North”, and poker runs.

Preach Brother!!


I was there. The Indy police were putting on riot gear when we came out of the track. I’ve never even seen that back in the days when they routinely flipped over and burned cars in the Snake Pit. Very spooky situation.