
They’ve already tried to stop it.

Stipe says because of a licensing issue they can’t force him to stop but they have asked the campaign to stop since it’s all they can do. Playing it 3x is just their characteristic trolling. He also recently told a story about Trump talking loudly through a Patti Smith show in NYC in the 90s which sounds about right. 

At this point, I've already assumed he will. Never underestimate the power of bigotry. 

I have a horrible feeling he will get a second term. We’re fucked. I’ll vote against him of course, but it won’t matter. We only have the appearance of a Democracy now, we go through the motions of the Democratic process, but it’s just to keep us busy and under the impression that we still have a choice. The Impeacheme

Esther, Esther, Esther ...
1) brunettes are not a minority. just look around and you’ll see plenty of blondes with brown roots blowing out
2) Fuck. Why am I here? — Yes. In Iowa. In winter. On a Thursday night. At a Trump rally. Fuuuuck, they do NOT pay you enough.
3) You leave and you’re outside with the protesters and

Not to mention Michael Stipe and REM

From the WaPo article, local hate crimes went up by well over 200% in the aftermath of a Trumpolini rally. The same thing happened when The Birth of a Nation was released; White crowds would see the movie and then go out and attack the Black community.

Real talk: Gary has an Asian fetish and was trying to figure out how to hit on you, since telling him you are Texan blew up his “Ni Hao Ma” strategy.

I’m sure the Backstreet Boys would be very interested to learn that their music was being used there. 

“‘They want to kill our cows,’ he continued, before repeating himself. ‘They want to kill our cows.’”

Oof! That is a lot for you to unpack!

Thanks Miss Maya! On Instagram today I saw a meme using "Meghan Markle" as a verb, meaning to leave a crappy situation where you feel unsupported and move to a better one, mentally, physically, or both. And I was, like, that's me! I'm Meghan Markling and getting the heck away from my destructive, awful family members

Congrats!  I am in the midst of a plan to pay off my student loans before I turn 40 in one year and nine months, but I am planning to celebrate that by buying a bottle of Johnny Walker Blue, since is costs roughly what my monthly payment has been for years (and is more than I would just let myself spend on alcohol

Seems this “friend” needs to go find another person who’s willing to let him couch surf at their place.  No reason you shouldn’t be able to live in your own home because of this asshole.  Does your husband know he spoke to you like that?  He should be the one that asks him to leave.  Men need to correct the shitty

Thank you! It’s a really good feeling, that I’m going to have to get used to. I come from a poor background, and having this level of financial security is hard won.

I paid off my mortgage yesterday! It took me 18 years, but it was 7 years early on a 25 year mortgage.

Hey everyone! It rained hard and sleeted all day here, I got soaked every time I stepped outside today. I’m genuinely so sick of cold winter weather. The year round spring weather of Boquete is calling me calling me calling me. And I have tons of stuff to do before I get there. Just getting the kitties ready for

Scarlett Johansson’s already up for the role of Lydia in the film adaptation.

She was at a panel at a bookseller conference yesterday, and someone asked her if she donated any of her SEVEN FIGURE DEAL towards organizations that help immigrants, and she hemmed and hawed and said could give a list but “she shouldn’t have to”