

Wearing someone down with verbal and emotional abuse does not equal consent!


some psychological jiu jitsu happening and she has had sexual trauma in her past but is siding with patriarchal structures to avoid thinking about herself as someone who was victimized

Power adjacent/power by proximity.

the whole “Womyn’s Land” thing has really been poisoned by the Michfest thing

Living in community makes you grow because you can’t live daily with people who you didn’t necessarily choose to have in your life but have to come to peace with.

I’m wondering is empathy, like eyesight, diminishes with age.

how many older women brought up their anger and resentment at Hilary Clinton

This is what it feels like to are in an emotionally abusive relationship.

Every bully has hangers-on who live vicariously through his bullying.

start a paragraph with “SKILLS:” or “CAPABILITIES:” and lay in the comma-delimited list you pulled from the 4-6 listings. Then, highlight that section and select an invisible font color — transparent. The section disappears! Yet, the text remains there to be searched for by the automated tools that filter on those


He couldn’t explain a “tariff” if his fucking life depended on it. He knows the names of maybe three world leaders. He couldn’t speak coherently about a single fucking thing, but no reporter ever comes at him.

And are see-through like Lululemon.

How does Melanie walk across the lawn in 4" heels?