<rage stroke>
What the fuck you talking about Willis?
Donny Two Scoops’ brave new world: war is peace; slavery is freedom, etc.
blind patriotism has turned the flag into a symbol of
exceptionalismracism and bigotry
Jeezus. When did this happen?
To humiliate you. In front an audience: her friends.
Oh, no not the ocean. The ocean already has a floating island of garbage.
Variation on a theme of: She’s not my type.
Donny Two Scoops just did.
Patriarchy: Strikes Again.
Yes, and will she break confidentiality.
I live in the Southern California version of the town the show is trying to represent.
Haha. She doesn’t fuck with insurance.
Oh shit mom and dad are fighting.
the reasons these women made the accusations to begin with made me angry and depressed AF