American Classic

I disagree. I think it matters if FBI tries to swing the election. I have no idea why you think there are other things that matter more.

Aren’t you just a peach?

It is super telling about every single one of your privileges that you brush off his dangerous racism, misogyny, ableism, Islamophobia, xenophobia, love for murderous tyrants, and ignorance with a mere “...worse for some people, but calm your little heads”. Seriously? Get stuffed.

Love fucks with your head.

So weird—I heard she’ll be 45 in January.

That is an unsettling smile.

I don’t know if Kara will agree with me, but shade. Shade shade shade. And out in the open, too!

That dress was fantastic. She is so damn awesome and gets better every day.

There was so much that was amazing last night. The 45 remark, the “don’t hesitate to stand up and yell wrong!”, the billionaire, the listing of elected officials ‘and Rudy Giulliani”. I loved when the MC (Al Smith IV, I think?) said to Guilliani “Don’t worry, we angled the lights so you’ll still be comfortable in

Whoa.......oh yeah, that’s shade.

But was the Planned Parenthood pink dress Clinton wore at the Catholic dinner shade? I like to think it is.

Lindsay Lohan lives in London now?

I hope that mutual friend read him the riot act for doing that. What an asswipe.

Thirsty. That is the only word that comes to mind.

well because Drumpf is a just a TV reality star with a tiny brain.

In his defense, removing himself from her life forever was one way to cure her of a cancer.

I think it’s kind of disturbing that we’re talking about the women instead of their male relatives. 

I didn’t think she could get better than last week’s “I think I’m gonna be president” delivery, but goddamn Kate McKinnon.

Maybe this whole thing is one big Trump/NBC deal and they’re planning on giving him another show O.o