Wow, it’s almost like race and racial discrimination is a complex cultural construct that cannot be placed into a binary experience.
Wow, it’s almost like race and racial discrimination is a complex cultural construct that cannot be placed into a binary experience.
You’re both playing identity politics. Just stop. Being more disadvantaged than someone else doesn’t give you any moral high ground. this is exactly why this crazy lady became black. Because it gave her power in the weird identity politic world of a modern university.
I think that the origin of whatever is going on in her head involves her parents being the kind of people who would out her in public rather than quietly informing her bosses at the NAACP and getting mental health professionals involved. They let this go a loooong time, and then felt this was the way?
Sorry, something…
Needs more stars
Glad I flipped it on in time to catch the tip
Well we know one guy who didn’t break out of prison recently.
At last, video evidence that 2:24 is faster than 2:26.
Michelle-shocked by a mile. Oh and she also wins the Vicodin Sweepstakes, that woman is blitzed out of her ever loving gourd.
The higher the bangs, the closer to God.
Like for real though, lady has some killer bone structure happening. If I had 19 kids, I’d have a chin for every kid.
He has a face that looks like the result of Gary Shandling mating with a pig.
Jim Bob is asking Jesus for advice right now, and Jesus is all
The power of Taylor Swift is too great to comprehend.
Re-watching on Netflix. Even better the second time around!
No show is for everyone. But this was the ONLY show I ever made sure I watched when it aired, read recaps and then discussed with friends ad nauseam the next day. It got me on so many levels. For me, I loved the office politics, the sales pitches, the fractured families, the historical time period and smart writing.
Please help me ID this wax woman I found in the Hollywood Madame Tussauds several years ago. The sign said she was Natalie Portman but I am pretty sure she is a tourist that has been absorbed by the building and has been immortally trapped in a wax prison since 2006.
One of the main points of this article was that not very long ago, women WERE obligated to do domestic work because they were women, and they weren’t allowed to do anything else. Have fun with your bread.
After the game, a reporter asked Rosario about his family filming the moment.
I would've gotten the MVP of that game, and Magic probably wouldn't have made the Olympic team.