
You really should take a College class or something on how to properly articulate a point instead of devolving into basic logical fallacies.

That Buzz Lightyear DLC looks pretty cool...

So you have to buy each individual character? What was the cost for them on PC? What’s the level cap? I played a ton of D3 with my wife so I’m interested, but I’m skeptical of the price model.

Here’s the weird catch 22 of this whole thing: People who want to give others shit for this will be like “YOU’RE AN ADULT IT’S JUST A GAME BLAH BLAH BLAH” but they also act like throwing or breaking a controller is the worst sin you can possibly commit. It doesn’t matter if you’re totally fine and controlled in the

I’ve considered something like that. Don’t have room in my apartment currently, and if you hit a heavy bag wrong (Say, if you’re angry and punch wildly) you can hurt yourself pretty good. A broken controller is cheaper than a broken wrist.

Also, if I find a cheaper “substitute” then I’m just going to continue doing it

Protip for people who give controller-throwers shit: Get off your fucking high horse.

I’m a serial controller-breaker. I’ve had to replace three controllers in the past year (a lot for me, but I played more Fifa than usual...)

I’m married. I have a steady, good-paying job. I have two college degrees. I almost never drin

Vaughn, a 28-year-old adult

Man, oh man. I knew this thread was going to be an ass-kicking. I was not disappointed.

These are genuinely uncomfortable and off-putting and that’s exactly what she’s going for and it’s perfect.



Yes. Totally different gameplay. One is a game that was made around the specific world and feel and intrigue that Game of Thrones brings.

Yes. Totally different gameplay. One is a game that was made around the specific world and feel and intrigue that

First to poke my head in and say “Just buy the actual Game of Thrones board game instead because it’s really good and the Monopoly people don’t need any more of your fucking money.”

First to poke my head in and say “Just buy the actual Game of Thrones board game instead because it’s really good

That’s telekinesis, Kyle!

I feel like this thread is too far off point to salvage. Goodbye.

“Coding a game? What a waste of time!”

But they (you) do not get to determine what is or isn’t a waste of time for someone else.

Those who are calling them a waste of time are.

“As are most hobbies if you look at them from a soul-less perspective.”