
Not sure I’d call being eviscerated by the entire entertainment-consuming world “the smallest bit of criticism”...

Get your money, old man.

Run your own game, dude.

This is textbook “I had this solution planned and all other solutions will fail”. The GM is basically turning the game into a point and click adventure.

This is hysterical.

My favorite “Outside of the box” thing I’ve done was in a system called “The End”. Post-apocalyptic/Somewhat biblical setting. The players, after months of wandering the landscape and trying to survive, found out that their ultimate goal in the game was to find and kill the Four Horsemen of The

Additionally, I would offer one last thing: It’s important, VERY important to remember that as a GM, you are not the enemy of the players. You are working with them to have a good time and tell a good story. One of my biggest mistakes as young GM was to try to go out of my way to thwart the players and always have

I see your point, but I disagree. I feel like if you get used to being flexible and improvising early on, and introduce your play group to those concepts just as early, then you won’t have the trouble of trying to break old/bad habits down the line.

As far as pulling behind the scenes bullshit. If you don’t HAVE to

As someone who has been playing in and running RPGs for about 20 years (Jesus... twenty years...) I’d also like to emphasize the fact that while there is a book that has the rules and will guide you along, this is YOUR game, and you have the final say in absolutely everything. If something doesn’t sound right to you

Hey, you know who doesn’t have to “clarify” their statements? People who don’t make awful statements.

You shoulda just stuck with the first tweet, dude.

I don’t know he seems to be doing pretty alright as is...

In Japan: DDT Pro. Hands down.

In the US: Kaiju Big Battel, with honorable mentions to Hoodslam and Freak Show Wrestling.

These are from a variety or organizations. Some have strong online presences, some don’t. The most well-known organization, albeit the one that is the “least” extreme or silly of the bunch, is New Japan Pro Wrestling. They have all of their content on demand and livestream their events at

Yoshihiko 4 life.

So, is this the thing that finally sinks him?

Whatever. It’s a somewhat-hard name, but you get paid a lot of money to talk and say things right, for fuck’s sake.

That is barely above the word count of a 3rd-grade essay. Learn to read, pussy(?)

Pro wrestling fans can find out more about this under “Benoit, Chris”.

It’s not “censorship” in any respect. His videos are still on YouTube, for christ’s sake! They didn’t even ban him from the platform. They just cancelled his show.

The nature of who she was ripping on means that it’s impossible to tell if she did that on purpose or by mistake.