
“Not enough time” as in she probably only wants the video to be so long and if she were to name every little thing for and against her side the video would be hours long as the video game industry is fifty years old and has tens of thousands of characters. That’s not “Cherry picking”. That’s “Summarizing”.

Or maybe she just doesn’t have time in her videos to point out every example? She named a number of female characters that break the stereotype, but just because she happened to leave out ONE doesn’t dispute that she’s more or less correct with the vast majority of female characters that are portrayed in gaming.

If EVE Online is still what it used to be like. You can “Buy” a month’s subscription (plex) with in-game currency. So maybe that’s their way of using the term?

Don’t care.

And here’s one out of left field.

I understand. But I don’t think anyone would have held it against you for putting it on the list as it is THE strange football game. Also worth an honorable mention is Frozen Cortex.

How is Mutant League Football not on this list?

I still don’t understand how idiots like this use the bathroom. As a 31 year old man I’ve seen like MAYBE three dicks in bathrooms in my entire life. Bump that to half a dozen if you count public gym locker rooms. Why do these people think that you just go showing everyone who walks in to take a piss your fucking junk?

Which is why the WNBA’s protests are so brave. More so than the NBA’s in some ways. NBA knows they’re untouchable. They can do what they like. They have the leverage The WNBA players knows that they’re alienating potential viewers and sponsors and that this may potentially impact their jobs but they don’t care because

Seriously. Why the fuck can’t people just let other people enjoy themselves?

Lol. That’s right! It’s just buttons! No housing! No board! No wiring! Just buttons!

Do it.

A keyboard and something like this are very, very different things.

So is it your belief that black people are inherently more violent than white people?

Aaaannnnd white people make up about 74% of the population. Meaning that if things were proportionate that about 730 white people would be killed to 146 black people...

That would be all well and dandy if you didn’t consider that black people only make up 13% of the population...

You forgot Rocket Juice and The Moon

So a player being banned for two years isn’t news?