
It's a little bit scary how okay you are with other people telling you what you can and can't do with your life.

And you can substitute "pot" for "virtually anything else in existence" in that sentence...

Pot is pretty much okay in any amount...


Okay, thanks!


Still smarter than us. Or at least they will be.

Every generation thinks the one that follows them is doomed/misguided/stupid.

Every generation is wrong.

Which was... What, exactly?

"Our kids will be smarter and more accepting than our generation was, just as we are smarter than our parent's generation, and they were smarter than their parents."

^^^^ That was my claim. Nothing more. Nothing less. I'm right about this. There's zero doubt in my mind.

I'm not sure exactly where I made that claim...

The claim I made is that every generation has been smarter than the last, and this has been true every. Single. Time. Look at crime rates, teen pregnancy rates, advances in technology, etc. Every generation they improve without exception.

So your niece is able to pick up unfamiliar things very quickly and adapt to them but she's gonna have trouble later in life because she... Doesn't like books?

So "Learning things quicker" doesn't equate to "More intelligent"?

No they're not. They're smarter than you or I was when we were their age, and when they're our age, they'll be smarter than we are now. Every generation thinks the one that follows it is dumber or in some way worse. Every generation is dead-ass wrong.

Our kids will be smarter and more accepting than our generation was, just as we are smarter than our parent's generation, and they were smarter than their parents.

I'll take five.


Narrator refers to "Lara" as "Laura".

Now playing

Taking it way back. I don't know if this is my favorite but it certainly has stuck with me for quite a long time.

Would have been better if they were playing in cs_office.

Patricia, do you think the best way for him to handle this would simply to have been to not comment publicly on it at all?

Yeah because it's not like sports teams in the US are built around the incredible performances of one or two people or anything...