
Yeah and the fact that guys were addicted to pain killers surely had nothing to do with the hellacious bumps they were taking...

As fun as that stuff was to watch. That's probably a REALLY good thing. Way too many injuries and the like back then.

This game looks fantastic and is such a breath of fresh air. I swear that indie games are making me more excited for my PS4 pre-order than any triple A title is right now.

Stupid League of Legends player is stupid.

It was technically out in late 2012, but for me it's gotta be Kerbal Space Program. That game has no right to be as much absurdly fun as it is.

I don't know if it is on it's own, but the 3DS lineup is SOOOOO strong. If you're a fan of video games it's a must-own.

Frederick. Or as I like to call him: Death Incarnate.

Bioshock Infinite. I'm waiting until the price comes down and I really get in the mood to play it, but everyone's told me how great it is.

Ni No Kuni, I'ma let you finish, but The Last of Us is one of the greatest games of all time.


To me it just strikes the same tone as when people talk about straight white dudes being discriminated against. I just can't take it seriously.

I'm willing to bet that almost certainly isn't true. I'm pretty sure a white guy in Japan still has an easier time of things than a Black or Hispanic person would.

I'm open for people saying and doing whatever they want, and racism can be done in humor to great effect, it's just that if you're coming from the position of power, it's REALLY hard to pull off. And since my Japanese is incredibly poor I don't know if this commercial was funny or not, but it doesn't sound like it.

That still probably woulda bugged me.

Maybe they had trouble finding a white chick to play the part so they improvised?

I'm okay with whatever graphics as long as they fix the damn bugs and tweak the gameplay to make reversals harder. Myself and a friend played it quite a bit at first but the bugs and the simplicity of the game made us switch back to Fire Pro for the PS2

I feel like if this is not being used for some sort of sexual purpose in addition to the gaming one it's not being used to its full potential.

Now playing

For my money nothing beats this as far as fighting-cats goes.

The only "feature" I'm interested in from my VIDEO GAMING console is that it can play bigger and better VIDEO GAMES than the last generation. If new "features" being added means reducing my choices as a consumer then I will pass, thank you.

I started off my football game playing career with PES 08, then switched to FIFA in 09 and haven't looked back. But with talk that FUT is going to be exclusive to the XBone this may be the year I switch back if PES can convince me with this new engine and some interesting gameplay modes. Going to be paying closer