
Subordination to a fake ghost?

Costas is on point—you can’t celebrate anything in this country anymore without first thanking the troops (and to a lesser extent, first responders).

Does it cook t-rex legs? I can do the arms no problem!!!

Does it cook t-rex legs? I can do the arms no problem!!!

Behold, the typical hypocrisy of Jalopnik.

Kanye would be proud.

Big deal. I found half of a sleeping UAW worker under the 3rd row of my Traverse.

Seems harder to ghost people after the sale. Ive sold my fair share of crap cars in Craigslist, and I don’t want people I sell em to think it’s ok to message me on Facebook Everytime they get a flat, or lose a muffler etc... Once that car or bike or bbq or whatever leaves the driveway I don’t ever want to contact you

A very good friend of mine passed away yesterday from cancer. He was a kind, hilarious man and a great father of three young children.

What? Nobody on the internet made him climb into a circle and try to kill a fucking pissed off bull. If you want to grieve for his family, maybe he should have had them in mind when he decided try to slowly kill dangerous animals for a living. He died doing something dangerous and barbaric in a silly costume- that is

Its a 2009-2013 Suzuki Grand Vitara dash

No, Trump didn’t come out of no where. The American people made a choice between two unlikeable candidates, engaged in identity politics. The American populace created the atmosphere for Trump, for Obama, for Bush II. This lays squarely on the heads of the American people. The American populace have become

Speaking of college physics, there’s a nice college exercise where the student has to plot a graph of acceleration as a function of velocity at a constant power. You get a curve of the form a=k/v: acceleration is the inverse of velocity (times some constant). You’ll notice this asymptotes towards infinity at zero

These stunts are just insulting to anyone who has an introductory college physics course under their belt. You’re towing something with wheels over flat ground.

Counterpoint: Cancer researcher dying of cancer.

We need a separation between Church and Golden State

Sure, this is admittedly low hanging fruit, and the type of partisan attacks that are levied at about every president. But, a couple things to note here. First, Trump and Spicer were relentless in going after Obama for golfing during his tenure. Trump often noted on the campaign trail that he would not be “wasting

I don’t care what people thought about the car back when it was released, I think about what the car is today.

Woo! Finally, some props from Jalopnik. Here is mine (1 of 7 with S54, LSB/Black):

Awww yeah. I like em up to the Disco II and the P38. they’re quite capable, and if you can fix one yourself they’re reasonable. just be sure you don’t depend on them.