America: The Snyder Cut

Live by the Conspiracy Theory, die by the Reptilian Humanoids putting nano-bots in the drinking water.

Videogames, however, were designed as a tool to compete or challenge a player to overcome a task or beat a fellow gamer.

LOL Americans dont have access to health care. 

It is painfully obvious that you didnt actually read the article. 

100% And I’m not even a parent. 

You sound like a sad pathetic person. Seriously. 

Wow, you sound pathetic. 

LOL You didnt read the article. And youre mad. Very mad. 

A lot of art is designed to be impermanent.

Texas is third world.

Fuck you, asshole. 

Dumbfuck, do 1 second of research. 

So you are a fucking liar as well. Pathetic.

I mean, go fuck your yourself.

Fuck you, scumbag. (luckily, no woman would fuck you, so you wont breed)

You are a dipshit and an asshole. Fuck off. 

Many people in this very thread have denied her version of the story, in fact.

Dude skeptical of womans version of events. News at 11.

This is some victim blaming 101. And you have 18 stars so far... Not surprising for the A/V club. 

“Cracker” is short for whip-cracker, which is still a reference to white people being in a position of power.