America: The Snyder Cut

Yes, hooray for late stage capitalism! If it isn’t illegal then it isnt immoral! Lets all go jack off to Ayn Rand now! Yay! You win the hot take of the day!

Supporting scalpers is a shitty thing to do. Do you need your fainting couch when being told that? Does it offend your sensitive ears? LOL

Yeah, I mean Doom Eternal has too much platforming. I love everything up to Doom 2016, which does have some platforming, but its not too bad.

I want the same. I cannot stand all of the fucking platforming in the new Doom. Doom is not a platformer! 

Or they are mentally ill. Not “certainly” on Ambien.

From all accounts he is not a bad guy, it just seems like he maybe runs with some shitty people

That is exactly the public personality he has crafted. He is in the job of being charming for pay. You dont actually know Chris Pratt.

Just like a mafia boss on trial.

I guess he’s the best character, if you like punching babies. 

I’m sure Ice-T has skeletons in his closet that make him support Cosby.

The rich and powerful will never be held responsible for their crimes. Never. America is 3rd world. 

Remember when you right wing terrorists attacked the Capitol and killed police officers? I do. 

Is this sarcastic or serious? I cant tell...

Maybe the board game industry will have to switch from Chinese slave labor to American prison slave labor?

Everything about the right wing is a scam/grift. 

Good. Make an example of her and hope others learn from it. She deserves punishment for being insanely selfish, stupid and fucking up an entire bike race for her dumb pointless reasons. 

Yep, and hoping people act like adults is also too much to ask. We live in an era where the selfie/self is the only important thing in the universe.

Lame comment. Try again.

The olympics was originally supposed to be about elite athletes competing with each other.

Patriotism can be expressed in a single sentence or a bumper sticker. Its incredibly lazy and meaningless, like all the flag stickers that appeared after 911.