
And the more you just plug your ears and wish that the world will work how you hope because it is “right”... Nah, that shit still stays against you.

Welcome to the wide world of why people hate at-will employment.

Had she continued to dress as she originally deemed appropriate for the work environment she would have a leg to stand on. She hasn’t. If I show up dressed as a fairy princess to my job, I’m getting fired. Her actions post reprimand likely would throw serious doubt as to whether there was a lack of cause to fire her.

They can say she showed up as a series of costumed characters showing a lack of professionalism. That alone can get you fired. She has to show without a doubt they fired her for illegal reasons, good luck.

And then they provide multiple small infractions they likely have been recording the moment she started making a fuss. They can and will find reason enough

You would have to prove without a doubt that was the reason. Good luck with that considering I am sure the boss has been cataloging every possible infraction against her they can.

Actually it is public license open-source, there isn’t a money making angle in it. The only possible angle is success of the program is success for the programmer so they might land a gig.

Depends on how the headscarf can be skewed. Correct on the EEOC complaint.

And if you understood what “At-Will” means you would know they could fire her for coming in every day and doing her job to the T. Spirit of the rule and the actual rule are one and the same in an “At-Will” workplace.

Might want to check your own reading comprehension on their comment.

If she is in an “at-will” state they can fire her for whatever they please.

Illegal ones gosh darn it.

You took umbrage with the title, when it is completely acceptable. The point is the source lends itself well to the possibility of misinformation, considering misinformation has been the hallmark of US/Russian relations forever. Had they said it *is* misinformation that would be incorrect if there is no evidence but

Are you unaware of what “could be” means?

SVT you mean?

That would, but even when I had an older car it wasn’t that close.

You got a screaming deal on that, I have never seen liability and collision so close in price. In your case heck yea take it but I have never seen them that close.

“When a “Christian” murders 50+ gay people in the name of Jesus come back and we will talk.”

This is how you get Mad Pokemon disease.

I think you are looking a little too deep into it.