Also, a note to Kotaku reader Ojitheunseen, who asked last Friday if we’d ask Nintendo if they’d manufacture more GameCube component cables (or release the schematics of them).
Also, a note to Kotaku reader Ojitheunseen, who asked last Friday if we’d ask Nintendo if they’d manufacture more GameCube component cables (or release the schematics of them).
You will need a screwdriver, a pair of tweezers, a magnifying glass (optional), some salt (~1tbsp), and a bag of chicken feed, preferably corn-based.
Best Kotaku article I’ve ever read, along with a valuable life lesson.
The next big Mario game is coming to Switch on October 27, and it’ll let you play as a Cheep Cheep, a taxi cab, and…
It was a happy inevitability: Rocket League’s weird and wonderful car soccer is coming to the Nintendo Switch this…
Saddle up, Zelda fans, as later this year you’ll have even more reason to return to the fields of Hyrule.
Yoshi is a new game starring (you guessed it) Yoshi coming to the Nintendo Switch in 2018, featuring a handcrafted…
Code Vein was shown also but I doubt it makes any difference considering how derisive the Xbox Community is towards Japanese games. Surprised they couldn’t get Ace Combat 7 an honorable mention, but I’m guessing Sony’s got first dibs on that ever since it’s initial announcement for PSVR.
Code Vein, the Dark Souls/Tokyo Ghoul-ish game is also from Bandai Namco.
Yeah they are 3D, I mean they said cel shading, not super advance sprites.
After what CyberConnect did with the Naruto franchise DBZ was lacking but now? Daaaaamn
Totally 3d. Arc Systems makes the Guilty Gear series and their most recent game(s) transitioned to 3d while almost completely retaining their classic 2d look until you use a super move - then the camera rotates into a more climactic view, and your brain explodes.
Wow. Kingdom Hearts counted to 3 before Valve did. Considering they literally made several titles with the IP using decimals, I am mildly shocked.
Despite having a nearly incoherent kudzu plot and more anime cliches than you can shake a pretty boy at, I still find this series incredibly fun and charming. Better go get a ticket for the hype train.
Moon was my second favorite pokemon game of all time, second to emerald and just above XD. I don’t really mind replaying the story, or some variant of it. Is it a poor practice? yeah, probably. But I’m a filthy consumerist worm, so I don’t mind this time.
A brief, very brief glance of his commenting history reveals his hate for SJW’s which pretty much outs him as the same sort of person that wondered why the ‘negros’ got the right to vote. It’s the same thing each and every time with these so called ‘hidden’ racist motherfuckers, they can -NOT- keep their mouths shut…
So in otherwords, you are a backwards, and likely sad little racist whom should have known to keep his views to himself instead of doing the dumb thing and speaking out expecting a pat on the back for being racist, backwards and inbred? Good to know! Yes, -please- avoid articles like this in the future, in fact you…
Ah so you’re like those people in the Switch commercials, huh? Kind of funny how everyone made fun of that idea and it actually turned out to be a pretty popular thing to do. We all became Karen