
It gets better when you add in Kellyanne Conway’s justification of Spicer’s press conference: “We were offering ‘alternative facts.’”

I called those “observable, quantifiable, demonstrable falsehoods” in my Rhet/Comp 101/102 courses, and made students replace such specious claims in their essays.

I failed them if they

Presumably everyone at NOA will read this article, translate it to Japanese, and send it to NCL where they will all collectively say “yes! brilliant!” and make it all happen by March 3.

believe it or not, japanese doesnt really let anything PC-senstive get in the way of fanarts and shit, unless thyre ultra right wingers, but then i wouldnt think they would be interested in this game in general. (Source: Korean living in Japan)

What you did here? I appreciate it.

A mistake? Or is she merely one of the many who goes to the Church of Spin To Win?

If you had to go against a Garen after he’s been fed by a terrible top, you’d be praying, too.

I feel entitled to accurate, informative details on my $800 purchase. That’s not a big ask.

Marvel Heroes is actually one of the best free to play games out there.

So basically they copied Alienwares Graphic Amplifier. Other then that not very impressive tbh. love the seperate keyboard lights though, i wish more companies would do that.

Those hips don’t lie... they kill.

Oooh I hate you so much, Fahey!!

By the way there’s a new Afro Samurai game coming out.

What, this old thing?

Hmm... not really anything here I’m excited for, seems like a slow month for me...

WTB Ultralisk Anub skin.

Ladybug Anub’arak or gtfo.