
Understating, if anything. The Angry Birds Movie made 350 million dollars. It’s almost undoubtedly the single most culturally impactful purely mobile game ever.

It’s not.

Why should Buttigieg be involved with this?

I can't imagine CoD running well on a Nintendo console when it's already a crapshoot whether Nintendo games run well on their console.

That’s nice. The merger still shouldn’t be approved though.

This time, according to a map they find, it might be Salt Lake City, which is much further than Boston is from the Wyoming/Michigan area.

I’d be careful if I were you.. pragmatic, emotion-free truth is the kinda stuff that gets people banned around here.

This seems to be entirely false. The only instance I can find of a screenshot of the asset files in question shows that they’re all labeled “Townsperson_Sirona”

I’m pretty sure the “MrGirl” thing, as horrible as that would be, is like a 4Chan bait rumor or something. Has something come out that shows it definitively?

I’ve also put about 15 hours into the game and agree it’s largely fine. A solid B game with A+ art direction and environmental detail work that papers over a lot of the open world errand running and cliche narrative tropes. A fine and- if observed in a vacuum- totally innocuous game.
It’s also worth noting that the

Your “allyship” is rooted in convenience

It’s an amazingly deep and fun game. My 9 year old and 15 year old daughters are having a blast exploring. Even my 43 year old wife, who doesn’t play games at all, loves going around and collecting things, opening up the map, etc. The long and short is, it’s probably one of the best, biggest, most fun, and most

Its always fun when a guy who's talking about immaturity starts his comment off by calling people "bitches".

“Dummies Guide To: How Much Can We Milk the Harry Potter Controversy For Clicks”.

Kotaku is losing me more and more every article you all write, im a full fledged liberal that thinks trans rights are human rights. I cant stand coming to this site hardly anymore because its not about games its about politics. In every article. I’m just trying to escape, my life is rough too...

It’s intentional. They’re going to beat this dead horse over and over because people engage with it. I mean, at this point it’s patently clear the “boycott” from a handful of loud online personalities didn’t affect sales by any discernable measure (it’s sold very well and it’s popular on Twitch and Steam), and in some

This is absolute GOLD.

Why am I not surprised that Jalopnik left the Tesla off the list? This list of 10 is actually only 9 because of that omission.