I don’t think Claire actually plays games, just uses some AI program to write their clickbait.
I don’t think Claire actually plays games, just uses some AI program to write their clickbait.
Once again I don’t think Claire actually plays this game. Why are we constantly getting articles with missing or straight up misinformation?
I can’t tell if the writer actually plays this game, or they are just spewing misinformation. I miss the Kotaku of 10-15 years ago.
What a batshit random response. Why bring Trump into the discussion about that movie? Because Gizmodo/AV or whoever owns this website now tells you how to think? Do you think only right leaning individuals are watching that movie?
The game also makes you agree that if you are racist, use slurs, or just a giant dick you will get banned very quickly.
I’m curious what you think Xbox’s recent “super creative titles” are?
Not a good look for the already thin Xbox 1st party lineup
What happened to you Kotaku
Jesus every reply is you shilling for Microsoft. Dude they aren’t going to date you.
Bethesda has ALWAYS put out shit for PS, at the very least since PS3. Look at Skyrim and how it shitty it was and still is on the PS consoles compared to Xbox. Its the same for all their games. They didn’t give a fuck because they were getting deals for exclusivity and delayed DLC releases from Xbox.
As someone who ran a large payment processor, its a huge risk. The % of transactions that get disputed or charged back are ridiculously high compared to every single other transaction. Its not worth the risk and extra compliance that is needed to handle most of these payments.
Damn, well good thing you pointed this out. I’m sure none of the thousands of people working on this have come this conclusion as well.
I mean Artemis cost what, 4 billion to send off? They already have half a dozen of these things on site ready to make modifications and try again in a couple months until they get it right like they did with Falcon 9 back in the day.
EA is so poorly ran. They could have made a BFBC3 and printed money, but instead we got BF Hardline, BF1, BF5, and BF2042 which were subpar after BFBC2/BF3/BF4 set the bar so high.
I’m not tracking down any pronouns on fucking Twitter. If they don’t make them accessible on the site they are putting out “content” then its not on the reader.
I know several people who who never read or saw the Harry Potter movies and have enjoyed it. You aren’t forced to spam Revelio, you can choose to never use the unforgiveable curses, and none of the side shit is required in any way. You can run around and just cast spells and enjoy yourself if thats what you want to do.
One month timed exclusivity =/= one console exclusivity
I never finished the first game because the backtracking was so tedious. It was lazy game design that just allowed them to make the game longer while reusing shit.
I’m waiting for the reviews on Hogwarts to be the same way. People who oppose JK are already starting to user review bomb the game when its not even out. I wish people who didn’t agree with certain things would just shut the fuck up and let people enjoy what they want to enjoy.
This is not a device aimed at people with disabilities. I’d say its aimed a people spending $200 on a Scuf or Xbox Elite controller more than anything.