
I know Sony doesn’t have the cash for it, but if anyone WAS to buy SE outright, Sony would be the best fit IMO.

I’m in the same boat. I got like 2-3 hours in and I couldn’t progress without defeating enemies much larger than me and it was taking forever to level up. I must be missing something!

EA is making BILLIONS off these card game modes on every single sport game. Its NEVER going to stop. 

Why aren’t people buying these?”

Its -20 here and we have had snow almost twice a week since the beginning of the year. There is only one carwash that is still open and its expensive as its not a self service/drive through. Not sure what I can even do.

Bring back Survival! It should have been an included mode at launch after it was added as a DLC mode in the first game.

I’m pretty sure its not just a recreation of the first game. I could have swore I saw an interview that Mazin did where they mentioned wanting to explore other areas and untold stories along the way. Not to mention that there is a 20 year gap between the opening events and when we even meet Ellie that could be used.

You can disable your microphone by default in the system settings, and you can click the mute button once on your controller and never worry about it as long as its on.

GoT was my GOTY for 2020. It wasn’t perfect, but damn was it fun and well supported. Sucker Punch has provided a ton of QoL updates like gear sets, and the coop was unexpected surprise. Hoping we get another game in this universe on the PS5 in a year or two.

Follow Wario64 on Twitter. They post the second they go live. Costco had hundreds of units for sale this morning.

TLOU2 multiplayer and the other team is probably on a new IP judging by the ending to Uncharted 4.

Its not really that much better on PS5. I hard crash almost every hour or two now. Not to mention all the times I have had to reload the game because a quest is bugged.

Is this a serious question?

I’ve played about 30-40 hours on the PS5, obviously using the PS4 version. The app crashes about once every 2-3 hours not to mention how many times I’ve had to quit and restart because people and/or quest items weren’t loading or working properly.

I don’t mean to be a dick by any means, but this is another issue with digital only consoles. Nothing you “buy” digitally is really yours. They could pull it from the store / disable it on your machine at any moment. You are just renting the ability to use it when you comb through all the legal purchase agreements.

They would have been better off expanding the story, and letting coop be drop in / drop out. I feel like they should have followed the Spider-Man model and went single player and sold dlc/characters/cosmetics for additonal revenue.

Its too bad TF2 launched when it did (Thanks EA!), because that game was great

It said a couple of times that they played on PS4. Which is kinda odd to me, to not have someone with a PS5 review the game as it misses out on some of the new features and performance available.

It might not be worth it for YOU, but it is for others. I want to play all the November releases (COD, Watch Dogs, AC, Spider-Man) on an upgraded system. The $500 was going to be spent one way or another so why wait if you have the means to get it?

Jalopnik/Giz has to complain about everything or they wouldn’t get clicks.