Its being made by two separate teams. More content is on the way but takes far longer to develop compared to BR.
My dad use to take the power cord to the PC to work with him when I stayed home sick or when I acted up. Little did he know they were a dime a dozen and pretty universal with everything.
It was free on PS+ in August. Got about 30 hours in without any issues.
Check Amazon and Gamestop. Both had it for $40 as recently as last week.
Unrelated. So this kinda reminds me of Tom Clancy: Endwar. Not the art style but the pictures in the article with little helicopters and grunts on the ground. Twas a fun game online but didn’t sell well.
I wish they had just replaced Rose with Lando. I mean I get that he would be too old to be flying around and saving Finn from the battery ram laser thingy but I would have liked to see Lando on that Casino planet.
Skip this. Wait for the one big DLC that will launch next fall ala TTK / Rise of Iron.
I’m assuming like every other list they do, that they will have a separate article for each console/platform.
Don’t go into towns right off the bat. Learn the game and the mechanics before going into that madness.
I played about 10 games last night. It was amazing when the swarming happens. DON’T PLAY LONE WOLF. It might work for the normal mode but this is so much better with 20-30 people attacking together.
Everything in Destiny was available 1 year later. 3 years is compeltely false. The items that just became available in D1 were released last year for Rise of Iron. None of this 3 year lies you spew. See my other comment, Microsoft kept an ENTIRE game for a year with Tomb Raider. Both companies do the exact same shit.
A few months is OK but a year is not? Xbox kept an ENTIRE GAME from PS4 for a year in Tomb Raider due to their paid exclusivity.
Way to post a lengthy comment that shows you didn’t read or understand the actual issue.
All 2 of you really are making a dent in their profits.
There is one. Checkout the PS 20th anniversary theme in grey.
This was the one game I bought in Early Access form, and regretted buying from the get go. Unfortunately Steam wouldn’t refund it. :(
I liked BF1 for a month or two.
The problem with Civ 5 and 6 is that they were short on content that was previously in Civ 4/5. They get a free pass every time they put out a new game and its missing big time features that were either in the previous game and/or DLC. I learned my lesson and don’t purchase them until the “complete” game is out. I was…
I never realized how much I want Fortnite: BR / PUBG in an sprawling office building with 100 people.