You sir are the biggest fucking tool. You attack her over and over and you think shes being rude? Please go get some mental help. I can't imagine how you make it through life.
You sir are the biggest fucking tool. You attack her over and over and you think shes being rude? Please go get some mental help. I can't imagine how you make it through life.
something on current gen?
Oh i know. I played Red Alert. I just saying it would be nice if i could find a way. Maybe something voice activated or something as touching towards a screen to send units one way blah blah you get the picture i just wish it could work. Ive tried half a dozen and nothing is even enjoyable.
I like strategy games like Starcraft, i just wish i was good at it. Mouse and Keyboard aren't my specialty. (which is weird since I'm finishing my degree in computer science) I'm surprised i lasted 2 years on WoW and did well with all the clicky clickyness and keybindings. Basically what I'm saying is that i would…
link to that? From the video i have found of them showing off HR it was stated actual game footage
will there be strippers?
Just let Criterion go back and make Burnout games. I know alot of people felt that Paradise was a step in the wrong direction, but for people like me who aren't into GT or Forza, I loved it. Paradise was alot of fun, especially just driving around online with friends finding the best jumps, flips, crashes, ect.
the dart is fixed as of this mornings patch
90 minutes? i did the install in 20 minutes.
then the savings is a little less than others. but its still cheaper then buying them separately.
Respawn is in the house and expected to show their new game.
I'm starting to really like Randy. He seems to understand gamers. Just the comments he made about borderlands 1 and how they dropped the ball on somethings and how they are spending all their time trying to make it right for everyone for borderlands 2. He seems alot more connected to his customers than most Higher Ups…
its a different telling. I believe they said Iceblood or w/e the fuck his name is, is taking over.
it never will. and they dont expect it would otherwise it would have released by now. But 1-2 million in sales would and should cover all costs relating to porting it to ps3
This makes perfect sense. Sony got Portal 2 and made love not hate with Valve after all that time. It would be another 'steal' to grab D3 for the ps3 from Blizzard. All the rumors of D3 coming to consoles only to be shot down by Blizzard seems like the perfect storm of just a cover up until a formal announcement at E3.
Eh, looks to linear for me :(
I use to enjoy the mindless COD when no one was online to play squad based shooters with me, but its become so dated imo. A new engine and drastic features are the only thing that will bring me back now.
did you run into Max Payne in SP?
Chicago please! Easy access from all across the US..