oh i know, I'm just saying that more companies should put hackers talents to legit work, instead of letting them hack them and steal their information. Recovering from a hack is alot more expensive than hiring someone to help prevent one.
oh i know, I'm just saying that more companies should put hackers talents to legit work, instead of letting them hack them and steal their information. Recovering from a hack is alot more expensive than hiring someone to help prevent one.
thank you! this is my 3rd account, ever since the switch to facebook i keep having to re-register and waiting for comment approval.
If more companies hired hackers for good - ala teaching the companies where their weaknesses are, less companies would get hacked.
not going to happen
theres an instance in stormwind as well
Drake? Jak and Daxter? Crash Bandicoot? (i guess activision owns rights now) Kratos? Sackboy? ect
Sold SSX yesterday on amazon. I liked numerous things about the reboot, but the lack of multiplayer just leaves a horrible taste in my mouth. The producer who made the decision to cut it honestly shouldn't be making any more decisions.
I have seen similar devices at a tech show, but never with a gun on it. I don't see how the sustained fire on it does throw off the hovering.
I don't think i have a chance in hell to even check out the beta, let alone the game.. here are my specs on a 5+ year old pc :(
I don't think my PC can handle it :(
I'm a baseball junkie and a die hard Yankees fan. I grew up with Derek Jeter being my idol. In 2004 I was living in Florida and had my house destroyed by 3 Hurricanes, and when i returned to SOCOM 2 online someone had taken my yankeedj23 name. (if you didn't log in for 60 days it reset you and anyone could take your…
Karg Island, Op Firestorm, and Caspian Border would like a word with you.
I just hope there is a kick ass demo at E3 like for GoW3.
IMO if you could implement a way to tie a new game to atleast 2 accounts i might be ok with it. not even including a price drop from the standard $60. I want to be able to share my game with my roommate, or with my friend. We buy new all the time, but swap single player games back and forth so we can both get the…
the single player in moh was pretty good, but extremely short. It felt like a fourth of a game. The online was very generic but dice had bf3 to work on and didn't seem to give a shit about it.
I have only gotten to kill the Phalanx or w/e first boss. Shit i really need to buckle up and finish this game.
but its very true.
not really. check out previews. everything seems pretty well done.
the developer has a line of developing shitty games so good luck. that was the most generic trailer