AMCW no. 177

"Very ridiculous to say I was threatened when I said no such thing"

And so many, "If he has a Y chromosome he's a boy so I'm calling him a him it's science you people are delusional" comments all over Facebook. Makes me sad.

Was Jules there?

Just the other day I noticed a house in my neighborhood with a window in the center of a steep dormer/gable/whatever, it was a steep peak. The angle of the roof was such that there was not enough room on both sides of the window for shutters. However, there was enough room for shutters that went only half-way up the

Look with your special eyes!

It kind of reminds me of The Sound and the Fury where each narrator talks about Caddy, but Caddy never gets to tell her own story.

It's a plumbus.

I'm on the east coast. I've never seen this before. We do have chop suey sandwiches, though.

Or those idiots who say "I love girls who don't wear makeup" and then post a picture of a woman who is definitely wearing foundation, bronzer, lip gloss, and eyeliner.

Danny, I'm killing my vagina.

I read this in Werner Herzog's voice.

"Peter, is your social worker in that horse?"

That does bug, but maybe whoever wrote the novel the show is based on only ever saw the Dicaprio/Danes movie and never read the actual play? I don't remember ever seeing Paul Rudd's corpse in that version.

I didn't watch that show just based on the fact that the ads were calling him "The most dangerous man in history."

I won't pretend to be a huge fan, but damn, Soundgarden, Pearl Jam and Nirvana were a big part of my formative years as I'm sure they were for a lot of people in my age group. I heard about Cornell's passing on the radio this morning and it was a gut punch.

Glad to know i'm not the only one with that song stuck in their head.

For a tent pole I usually wait until it's been out for three or four weeks and then go see it on a Sunday morning. There are usually just a few other people in the audience who are there at that time because they also hate the crowds.

The only time I've noticed it was during The Rum Diary because there were only 6 or 7 other people in the theater, I was sitting way in the back in the handicap seating, and 3 of them kept checking their phones because that movie was boring as hell.

It's a pun. Maybe not a great one, but he meant to compare having a fandom that doesn't match your ethnicity/race to having a gender that doesn't match your birth sex.