
Oh man, I remember that. The first time I played through, she drew this dark picture of me (well, Corvo) — really scary looking. It wasn’t until a second (low chaos) playthrough that I realized she would draw a different version if you were trying to keep city disruption to a minimum. Fantastic game.

Very true about the Nipton/Novac thing. It could be why I initially didn’t care for New Vegas as much as I did FO3 on the first playthrough. I decided to give NV another chance though, and am playing it heavily modded on PC this time. I’ve really fallen in love with it. But the mods do help. But yeah, I remember kind

Before I read the article, when I saw that, I immediately thought Mirelurk, so I would bet that’s it, yes.

The big difference is that when I installed Trapster, Google Maps (w/traffic) served as a better GPS by far, and I wasn't going to have two map apps running at the same time. By the time I installed Waze, it was a better "get around" app than Google Maps. I also use it almost every day. It has saved me hours and hours

I have a 2002 TJ as my daily driver and I like this Renegade a lot. I also LOVE the new Grand Cherokee (and actually bought a 2014, which was bought back by Chrysler several months later when it couldn't stay out of the dealer's repair shop), AND the Cherokee. I just wish Jeep would pay a little more attention to

I would pay extra to get a real transmission *only* because of that rubberband effect. I just can't get over that it feels like an automatic transmission that needs some serious service.

Perfect! You win the internet today. ;)

There was one HL2 delay that was particular agony. Remember when some hacker or something grabbed a whole bunch of Valve's HL2 property and they had to backtrack 6 months or something? GRRRRR. My friend was like "guess what? they just pushed HL2 back." Noooo!

Yay Storyland!

Ha. I just started my second play-through a couple days ago. I decided to set a save point and then destroy Megaton just to see what it looked like. First time I played FO3, I played as a complete good guy. I was tempted to do the same this go around, but I think I might just leave Metaton destroyed and just keep

Didn't hate Vegas, but I didn't like how much more "social" it was. Wandering the wasteland in Fallout3 and discovering little pockets of civilization and giant satellite dishes and famous places that had just been destroyed was infinitely more satisfying than dealing with all the factions and things in Vegas. I did

NYC "counts" as part of New England?? Tell that to any NE or NY sports fan and you'll be in a world of hurt in two seconds. You obviously haven't been to either city. Maybe a break from the video games is in order.

You do know that Boston and New York are different cities, right?

Interesting. We just bought a 2014 Forester (have yet to take delivery). Good to know it holds its word on the mileage. My last Forester (five years ago) was great for everything but mileage. I was lucky to get 20mpg.

I'm as leftie as they come, and I agree 100%. Much ado about nothing. People need to chill the eff out.

By "slow" I do not mean advocating going 40mph in a 55 zone, nor do I mean a 1984 Cavalier with no TC/ESP/etc. All the same, it doesn't have to be a (cough) BMW. My first car was a 1980 Saab GLi, normally aspirated. Safe, zippy but not fast enough to get me in trouble. Forgive me if I'm mistaken, but I think that was

I was more offended that a father would give his inexperienced driver son a high powered sports car on prom night and tell him to have fun. Do a google search for accidents prom night. My son will be driving something safe, and slow on prom night.