
Me and Rih Rih right now:

There will always be plenty of men directing movies. Movies with women in them, movies without women in them. Don’t worry about the men.

Yeah, IDK why some women choose to age. It’s such a poor decision, on their part.

Also not liking the All in the Family reboot with Archie Bunker as prez.

So let me keep this short. These are people I love and admire, they can answer your comments much more effectively than I can, in that they are doing so by putting themselves on the line:

Jeez folks, is this the Kinja comments section of Jezebel or a legal deposition? Did closing Gawker end the tradition of snarky humor on this site?

I appreciate your thoughtful reply. I do think that there are plenty of folks, probably some of them ‘good people’ — meaning the kinds of people I grew up with, and know very well — who on this issue at least have a fairly pre-programmed set of responses to any criticism of Israel. It’s a shame that my cheeky label

Urgh. Point taken.

Sometimes it’s more a pendulum—goes right, then left, then right, then left. What you need to do is while your side is in power, do what you can and try to set up protections for when you’re eventually out of power and the people relying on you don’t have you in power to protect them.

There was this great NPR article I read around 2012 that was just interviews with the people of Israel and Palestine and so many disagreed with the leaders and admitted to feeling helpless since for now the majority wants th conflict to go on.

Yep. I read a detailed account of the breakdown of the Kerry peace talks and my god. The poor diplomats. Both sides’ head diplomats were being threatened and called traitors by their own people just for trying for peace. Because right now, what both sides seem to want is for the conflict to continue, sadly. It was

That line about how Zionists treat it as a zero sum game while Palestinians don’t just about made me roll my eyes in its ignorance of the reasons for why most every peace plan has failed in the past. For all sorts of reasons, many even justified, both sides have things they don’t want to compromise on that make this

I am not Emily, and I don’t speak FOR her. I cannot prove to you that I am not Emily Shire, unless you go through my extensive Kinja history- I would have to go through a LOT of effort to come up with the guise of Zukka as a dude.

Well put. This is one of the most complicated conflicts in history and yet many seem to want to make it Good Guys v Bad Guys. It’s not. It’s a total clusterfuck, is what it is.

the Left is all about seeing the nuance in issues

Did Jezebel seek out a viewpoint from the other side, or are the editors simply comfortable with the context-free claim that Israel and Zionism are simply a modern nationalist movement? Nothing about the utter failure of the Enlightenment in Europe to successfully integrate Jews as Jews without demanding they abandon

Just because she went to Harvard, she’s an opportunist? Because speaking as a friend of hers, who has access to viewing the sorts of things she posts on Facebook, I’d say you are 100% incorrect.

Is it? I want Palestine to exist as its own country, equal in all ways it possibly can be. I understand that Israel is much more powerful at the moment, but that’s a function of Israel’s bloody history more than anything else.

Can you please not call us Zio-bots?

We need to stop with heaping this ridiculous criticism of Emily Shire. In the same piece you criticize, she mentions her desire for a Two State Solution. If you wanna say that some (hell, maybe many) Zionists are too extreme and uncompromising, sure. But Emily Shire is not one of them. Her piece is a direct reaction