mispell (it’s misspell) and by (my). They came back and fixed ‘by’ but decided to stick by mispell. That’s integrity.
mispell (it’s misspell) and by (my). They came back and fixed ‘by’ but decided to stick by mispell. That’s integrity.
Love that you packed two misspellings into this little stretch of copy.
I’m not sure who should kill themselves first - these commenters, Katie Rife, or the documentarians. Probably all of them? Just need to get their cell numbers....
This totally reasonable thing you did as a TV-show-reviewer is no excuse, and you should obviously kill yourself.
It’s always dangerous to play with equivalencies (“Well, uh, but, like, if I said that about a WOMAN you’d say it was SEXIST!”), but it’s hard not to see parallels to some black critics who felt Obama wasn’t “black enough.” It was simplistic to call those critiques “racist;” it’s equally dumb to call Peck…
Great moment. Drama talent heart athleticism skill. People who claim they love tennis, but try to rationalize why they don’t love women’s tennis - as if there’s something missing in the athletes as opposed to something missing in them.... Their loss.
You’d have to be German to make it work.
But it would’ve been super scary to have you there because what if they’d touched you and it had been misinterpreted as sexual harassment because they’re all nice guys but they just don’t want to be misinterpreted and it’s so hard these days so really they were just looking out for you!
I didn’t relish this cheesy joke when I read it, but I should probably just.... chili.
Sorta. It’s an important consideration to raise, and frustrating that The Takeout typically avoids these topics as if they don’t exist.
This exchange reminds me -
Important donutform.
You had me at “flaccid.” But, the opposite.
Define “bad.” Because what I’m saying is, I don’t think Bud is bad.
Me too. And I assume that’ll just have to be the solution until Chrome stops working as well, because...I don’t think... there’s anyone... whose job it is to fix and update Kinja ... now?
It’s funny, though, isn’t it - I have no expectation that there is any person, anywhere, that I could ask about fixing the new issues in Firefox. Like, is there any person whose job it is to maintain and update Kinja now? I think of it as this zombie offspring of Gawker that just keeps plodding forward even though the…
Does anyone else find that Kinja no longer works right on Firefox?
Right! If you get served, tip your server. If you get served something that’s free and lets you sit and socialize without renting your spot by paying for a drink- all the more reason to tip generously.