
They knew what they were doing when they laid me off. They knew I had only been here for a few months and that I was not entitled to any compensation. They knew I would have to go through the working permit process all over again and that it would make the search for another job much more difficult. We could not go

Wasn't this the plot of "Man of the Year"?

HotS is really, really good at taking my money. It's practically witchcraft.

Further improving FF14's reputation. As someone who's put in some serious hours with this game, I can honestly say that it is the best MMO I've ever played, bar none.

Really? I thought it was pretty fantastic.

I'll miss you, Massively. You were bar-none the best MMO feature website out there. I don't think anyone else covers FF14 in the vein that you did.

So true. The only thing more annoying than the evangelists on my Facebook feed are the jerks who blindly chastise them as idiots.

I mean, technically you could call it a "tournament for straight women" and it'd be perfectly PC. In fact, protesting that would be intolerant.


Expected this. Found this. Was not disappoint.

That logo IMMEDIATELY makes any photo sinister. Well played.

Ladies of Kotaku straight reppin'.

I feel like I'd pick this up for $40 or less.

...ANY kind of sexual objectification.

What? No mention of Clooney's riveting portrayal of Sparky!?

There are two other problems that come to mind. First, at the risk of sounding ageist, because of the hierarchical nature of Japanese companies, it winds up being that the most senior executives at the company cut their teeth during NES and Super NES days and do not really understand modern gaming, so adopting things

Errrrmahgerrrr it's the gerrrd of werrrrrrrr

I like you.

Oooh! What about Goldeneye? I've always thought the objective-based gameplay in that was groundbreaking, and the design of some of the levels are just absolutely killer in how you have to manipulate NPCs into doing things for you! Multiplayer always seems to overshadow how great the campaign was, especially on 00

Welcome back. It's only been getting better up in Eorzea.