Great article. Thank you. I appreciate you reviewing the history of the treaty and its importance then and now.
Great article. Thank you. I appreciate you reviewing the history of the treaty and its importance then and now.
I wonder how many folks will take a swing at this and miss the implicit message; my guess is that the number will be fairly low, given that the initial audience is likely to be comprised primarily of folks who were already on board with the message the parody is trying to send—but still.
As for the existential…
This was great. You know why? Because, for all of 2 minutes, I wasn’t thinking about the next four years.
Get out. Go. Go play LttP. Now.
And let’s make our notoriously garbage-tier online service paid now!
Hi, do you have a moment to talk about Titanfall 2?
Dude. It’s completely relevant to the future of cars in America. Tell Trump to stop fucking with the auto industry.
Jason, I really hope that you writing this piece doesn’t get any of these games delayed.
George Takei recently shared a spin on “They came first for the Communists” that I find fitting. It went something like:
Just in case you were worried that we’ll ever compromise our integrity for the sake of maintaining access!
yep... that seems EXACTLY what this game is going for with the fishing, driving, overly done animations and a shiny gloss to everything. This is what happens when you dont know what you want to make and do it for 10 years.
More importantly, on the left, it looks like the Wailord is popping out of the character’s pants.
That one guy with the school jacket actually sounded like the original voice actor for Fred from the original Scooby Doo lol
it’s just a picture of legs that cuts to an image of a man standing in a burning house and he has a goat head and his eyes are the black of the void and then it cuts back to an image of legs with paint on them and then it’s the goat headed man and he’s closer to the foreground and I can smell sulfur and then it cuts…
Damn I can’t download it since I’m not on my desktop.
Maybe it’s nostalgia goggles, but I agree. This was my go-to N64 shooter when I had friends over.
Seeds of Evil was one of the best multiplayer games on N64 - Only me
I have, and I like it! I also like Homeworld a lot more.