
I mean there are people that work for the administration and there are people that work for “White House Inc.”. The job - facilities maintenance - has the same duties and responsibilities regardless of who is in office.  Like an office building where different tenants lease space.  An office building may have all

I think that’s a great point - though I think someone who is jacking it 4 x a day in the privacy of his/her home but then posting all over their Instagram #lives for Jesus, #america needs god, #warrior for Christ is not going to be packing up the fam and heading to the Porn convention.  That was my point.  You can

I feel like there is a big issue with ascertainment bias in their sample. People who openly and enthusiastically participate in the adult entertainment industry are probably on sum more progressive in their views in comparison to a “general population”. Within the general population you are going to have a sub-set of

We were chatting about aging in the office the other day and after I revealed my age (I look about 10 - 15 years younger most people guess), one the gals asked me what I recommended. I recommended: good genetics (my family ages slowly - most grandparents made it to 90's or 100's), don’t smoke, wear sunscreen, avoid

It’s so funny how different people have such different experiences. I am as average as you get. Maybe a bit older when I dove into online dating (42), but well preserved, have a job, take care of myself by the standards of Western beauty, etc. etc. I had really great success on Bumble - dated a few people and my

I think there is also some sort of “you are not the boss of me” defiance that goes on with some guys. My ExHusband and I would be sitting at the pool in Palm Springs in July. I would place the the sunscreen on the table so there was no effort involved in accessing it. When I would apply I would say “hey, you want

Well - yes. There are places you can rent that are specifically casting spaces (may have some lighting and space for cameras etc.). You can also rent conference room in a hotel, there are places like WeWork etc. Perhaps this long ago these options were not so prevalent... but these days, no one should ever go to a

Count me in the “check the box” category. I work in a professional field, but almost never customer facing and if so mostly on a web cam. I attend a few meetings in person a week, so yeah, business casual. Enough to look like I tried, but no one really cares. I have a number of perfectly nice CostCo items that I have

If this is wrong... then I don’t want to be right! I also have the old plumbing and I agree that CostCo is that sweet spot of nice, but not too much on the TP. I also run my household on my own and have a very busy life. I hate having to run to the store for stuff like TP, laundry detergent, dishwasher detergent...

Well - but your job is tied to your employer - which is the university. Your boss says “don’t make this a thing” ... you think these “actual cops” are going to go against their employer and investigate aggressively and press charges. Or are they going to follow orders, do what the boss says and make it go away. 

I live in this reality so I understand all the complexities of these issues... But to my eye if you really want universities to take this seriously, women should call the actual cops (not the university police) every. single. time. something like this happens. The issues go into the public policy blotter and become

Oh yes the intern. That bill was over $13,000 for rent. I said to my friend “I don’t think she... or he was an intern” (before I knew the gender).  I would also be asking about the business relationship.  Assuming she is some young thing, she would probably be pretty easily intimidated in a deposition to spilling all

I think if you are not paying me, you don’t get to weigh in on my appearance, particularly if I don’t really have the option to opt out. My employer gets to have a say because we have come to an agreement on the terms of my employment.. in exchange for money, I agree to do this work, looking some specific way (within

Man, what is it with book-people and thinking that every book has the value and literary heft of a 1623 first edition Shakespeare folio. Like no book could be a trashy beach read you borrowed for a vacation and forgot to return to your sister (and she doesn’t care) or a scientific text book from 1993, in which 75% of

My friend works in college admissions for an exclusive private high school (not involved with all this so far), and I asked her the same thing. The thing is.... the kids have been managed their entire lives so they don’t have any frame of reference for what is normal. The kids are TOLD now you do this, go here, do

In general I feel like this is so symptomatic of the bigger issue that law enforcement simply does not take sexual assault seriously. I understand why it is... but it has always struck me as odd that people expect places like a college or Trip Advisor to deal with their sexual assault allegation. It’s unfortunate that

Ughhh... my ex-husband was the same way. If he wanted to appear “cool” in front of his asshole, trashy friends, he wouldn’t say he didn’t want to do something, he would say “my wife won’t let me”, or imply that there would be hell to pay for the little woman. Keep in mind these were the kind of friends that offered to

A few years back I made a switch to “no carbs at breakfast” and as a person who wakes up wanting my breakfast - an egg with a bit of veg mixed in has been my go to breakfast for years. Minimal calories, gives the blood sugar a boost etc. Works for me.  I’m also pretty knowledgeable about nutrition and bodies in

Why not give the guys a men-only piece. These two seem like amazing performers and have plenty of sass/a good sense of humor. Have some fun with it.

I am friends with a guy who does not drink (for religious reasons). He also has a job that makes him a minor celebrity in his mid-sized midwest town. He attends a lot social events (fundraisers, media events, etc.) as a part of his job. He’s an incredibly nice guy and people really love to be in his sphere. As a