
And that is why St.Louis County Police are there, they are the only professionals in this mess.

No doubt this guy losing his shit is bad, but as this whole thing grinds on, there will be more officer's losing their shit over little things.

No, it's obvious he has lost it, he is St.Ann Pd, not St.Louis County Pd, and therefore he shall be punished.

I knew he had lost it when I was watching the KSDK footage I linked in my first reply, and that didn't have any audio and was from a fair distance away. The up close kinda seals the deal.

Just trying to give a clearer picture. It's obvious the guy snapped, and he is a St.Ann cop, and St.Ann cops don't have the best track record.

Don't think I support this guy, it's clear he snapped, but we are going to be seeing more of this from the more professional departments if this continues, St.Louis County PD is pretty fatigued at this point.

They weren't protesters, they were press, well mostly press. Most of the protesters were on the side of the street.

It's not the Ferguson Police, nut in the video was St.Ann PD, and the majority of police out there are St.Louis County PD.

Well, actually it's always right of assembly until, and the ppl he was point the rifle at were mostly all press.

The people he was point the gun at were pretty much all press, probably all from out of town.

Barely a protester in the crowd, it was pretty much all press, he was on the tail end of the police force that had just cleared the area.

Those were St.Louis County Police making him stop, he's a St.Ann officer, St.Ann does not have a good reputation around here.

To be honest, I doubt even the hardest of the hard would be able to deal with the bedlam without eventually breaking.

Don't think this asshole is indicative of the whole thing, I knew he was fucking up while watching the KSDK footage that night, he's a St.Ann officer from a tiny department that pretty much exists solely to run a speed trap. There's worlds of difference between him and St.Louis County Police in terms of training.

The St.Louis County PD is pretty much spent at this point, they've been doing 12-16 hour shifts everyday since this started, they can't go home, it was only a matter of time before one of them broke.

He was threatening mostly all press who were egging him on, you can see it in the wide shot KSDK footage, pretty much not a real protesters in sight.

Well, it's a number of Departments involved, St.Louis County PD being the largest, St.Louis Metro PD being the second, St.Louis County municipal PDs, and the Missouri Highway Patrol.