
To be be fair Starfield isn’t done yet. Bethesda only makes the first half of their games. Gotta wait for fans to finish the rest.

give them time to piss of Insomniac! :p

Holy Crap!!! Did you guys actually get a review copy of a game?!    I thought you managed to piss off everyone

Gamefly is still a thing.

its not that much different from its predecessor”

I'd disagree. I had no fun in Starfield. It was a great sleep aid though.

In summary: There are serious performance issues, and as with almost every soulslike, some people won’t gel with the particular rhythms of the combat and will attribute that to flaws in the game design (which is to say... skill issue). People somehow think having facility with one or two soulslikes means their

Destructoid reviewer complaining about 30 bosses? As if that’s a lot. Did this reviewer play Elden Ring? It has 238 bosses. 

The “nonsense” tends to alternate depending on which company’s doing better. Last gen MS got punished hard for their initial XBone plans, for example.

It seems worth pointing out that the prices on at least several of these games (SQUENIX is only company I really have relevant data for) are actually higher than they’ve been in the last few days. Over the weekend, Tactics Ogre was $25, Valkyrie Elysium was $10, Crisis Core was $25, Octopath Traveler was $15, etc.  I

I am turning 39 in two weeks, have a full time job, and a 6 year old. This year has been a procession of phenomenally generous games that immediately turn me into a ball of anxiety and shit because I just don’t have time to play them. I could damn near cry hearing that this game has manageable scope.

> At times, playing Mirage, it almost felt like I was playing a modern remake of the original Assassin’s Creed. [...] Ubisoft has seemingly, for the first time in a while, resisted the siren’s call that leads to its open-world action games being completely papered over in map markers, locations, and quests.

I only made it three regions into Valhalla and, while I don’t begrudge the fact Ubisoft made this wide world that some of its players could explore, I really wished it had offered a straightforward route through the story content and major landmarks.

Holy cow this (and the original review) is so well put. 1000% agree.

What you’re feeling is a simple lack of competency at the top. Todd Howard and his cabal of leads are some of the most creatively bankrupt people currently working. There a ton of incredibly talented people at Bethesda, but they’re largely among the rank and file. The people leading big picture systems design just do

Great review. My biggest concern going into Starfield is that they were trying to do too much with it. After spending a few weeks with it, I can confirm my concerns were validated. It’s a game that presents you with so many incredible ideas—maybe some of the most interesting and (more importantly, this being a game

As a lawyer who works directly on SEC regulatory matters, I’ll briefly touch on the legality side. In 2000, the SEC introduced a new rule, Rule 10(b)5-1, which provides an “affirmative defense” against insider trading. It basically requires public company insiders (and everyone named in this article would be

Yeah this gringo lives in flyoveristan and thinks Taco Bell is mexican.

Don’t tell my wife that, heyyoooo! 

Changing the lipstick on a pig doesn’t make it a different pig.