
I have a Google Doc that I use for things like this. (social platforms and IRL situations) Just writing it out is cathartic and satisfying enough, without poking the wrong bear or saying something that can’t be unsaid.

Still love the original MX Master! Have one at home and one at the office. USB-C would be a useful change, since everything else I have uses it, but I’ll wait for the OG’s to crap out first.

Still love the original MX Master! Have one at home and one at the office. USB-C would be a useful change, since

Continuing my plod through RDR2. (Currently in chapter 6)

Ditto! I’m closing in on the end of Chapter 4 [by checking progress on the Rockstar Social Club website] and also eyeing AC Odyssey and a few other things.  If I switch over now, I’ll never go back. 

My GCU sub expires in July 2019. Will be sad to see it go.

Remember Me gets a lot of flack, but I enjoyed it. Especially the soundtrack!

Finishing up the No Man’s Sky platinum [trophy], and then starting Deus Ex. Maybe some Titanfall 2 as well.

Maybe, finally, head south in Hyper Light Drifter.

DOOM, Overwatch, and possibly get back to Oxenfree.

That was incredible to experience live!

I should get back to this. I really was enjoying my time with the UC4 MP, but then Overwatch pulled me away.

Mirror’s Edge, with the occasional Overwatch break. Or maybe the reverse ;)

I’ve been playing it quite a bit, and have been enjoying it. I think it is the “casual” nature of it. I do enjoy the more “serious” MP shooters, but I’m enjoying this one as a more relaxed experience. I have yet to have a rage moment, that typical happens at some point in a CoD, BF, or even Destiny.

The Banjo-Kazooie / Yooka-Laylee comparison is spot on!

Uncharted 4 MP and maybe, finally pick up DOOM.

Based on all the reports of drama, this could end up being MUCH better than the actual show!

I tend to keep a rule of only “1 of each type of game at once”. So No doubling up on FPS’s, but I could have a platformer or racing game going simultaneously with an FPS.

Quantum Break just showed up from Amazon, so that.

Not a ton of game time, with family in town, but I’ll still sneak in an hour of Division in the late evening.