
Am I the only one that thinks the dude hairdos are turrible?

No, this is for this year (2014-15 season). As of now, they don't have exclusivity next year (2015-16 season), so hopefully someone with less greedy intentions snaps it up next year. This is their last ditch cash grab before losing it.

I'm so sad we didn't get a Tony sighting in this new season. :*(

Ugh. Stop reminding me that the rage-inducing "Social Lubricant" is keeping me from the Watch Dogs platinum!

Come Olbermann! MLB: The Show is great! Maybe not gonna pull in many new fans, but it's a great representation of hardball.

Now playing

Reminds me of this, from Ken Griffey Jr's Winning Run.

I will not stand for this Renee Walker slight!

From their Twitter account:

Cerny: Somebody like [Skyrim designer] Todd Howard, who I was talking to yesterday,

Would love to play through this again, in extra purdiness, but not for 60 bones.

Ron Burgundy in Bismarck.

Achievements have officially jumped the shark.

Sony even provides instructions on how to.

You can do it on PS3 without voiding the warranty.

At least Locker allows you to go outside and flank. Something Metro sorely lacked.

Dropping a TB hybrid drive in Day 1 before I do anything.

Call me a gadget whore (I am), but for me, it's more than just about the games. It's about unboxing this new contraption, hooking it up, seeing the new startup animation, going through initial setup and digging through menus/settings. It's about getting my hands on that controller, seeing if I'll actually like L2+R2

I've used it both weeks, and the website only ended up being down for the 1st quarter of the early games. Unacceptable, but both weeks it's worked well after that.

I have this preordered, and am hoping Chromecast's "tab share" can get it to my TV! If not, I'll just move my computer on Sundays.

I actually was never a big fan of the SharpShooter. Mainly, because of the way Move works, it's never a perfect "aim to spot on screen". Instead of aiming at the screen, I used it more like a 3D mouse, resting it in my lap.