R I G H T? Actually, dumbfucks, he fits the profile of a mass shooter to a T, as they are almost exclusively white men.
R I G H T? Actually, dumbfucks, he fits the profile of a mass shooter to a T, as they are almost exclusively white men.
Yup, and the old ‘guns don’t kill people, people kill people’. Ugh. People with access to many, many guns commit these acts - they wouldn’t be able to (or at least wouldn’t do as much damage) if our gun control laws were stricter.
I want to punch all of the reporters pointing out that he doesn’t “fit the usual profile” not only because of his age but because he is white. Some of them have practically said straight out that it can’t be terrorism because he is white. But of course, most acts of terrorism in this country have been committed by…
I’m assuming this tweet came out after they found out the gunman was an old white guy because it doesn’t mention terrorists or his travel ban.
Just need to point out that, once again, white dude killing dozens of innocent people, but the “Muslim Ban” is what’s going to keep us all safe.
Warmest condolences? These are victims of a mass shooting. Who talks like this?
A ______ has more political engagement, empathy and logical thinking skills than our current president.
A Kardashian has more political engagement, empathy and logical thinking skills than our current president. That’s where we are at right now.
Debt that he contributed to with that defaulted golf course deal. HE’S FUCKING GOLFING RIGHT NOW WHILE PEOPLE ARE DYING.
Fun Fact, he’s part of the reason PR is in such debt. When his resort down there went belly up, it left the government with a yuuuuuuge unpaid tax bill.
Yeah, nothing about Trump’s own actions surprise me anymore, he’s shown himself too many times for any of us to be surprised by it (appalled, sure, just not surprised). But I remain absolutely fucking baffled at how millions of Americans have accepted this and continue to accept this.
donald trump makes the world a worse place.
I’m so sorry. I truly know exactly how you feel.
Nah. She can write that book:
I feel bad for anyone that dates Emily in the future.
OR they would say the tweets never existed, and it’s just the lying liberal media saying they ever did. That rally in Alabama was just a campaign rally for trump, definitely not to endorse any candidate.
They would, with a straight face and absolutely no sense of irony, tell you that you’re being incredibly petty about something so small and stupid as a few tweets.
It’s amazing how quickly he swings from being dangerously hateful (Charlottesville, NFL protests, DACA) to being deliciously petty (deleting his stupid tweets as though people are going to forget about them). I wonder how his supporters who think of him as some sort of macho hero are going to explain the fact that…