Aunty Social

Geppetto went to Pinocchio's room at the end of the episode, but he wasn't there! DUN DUN. I'm wondering if he went and hid in Geppetto's garage.

I would love to see this episode.

You totally don't need an atomic bomb to create a mushroom cloud.

+ 1 for the Sherlock gif.

Sooo a loopy script == vintage now? I do not think that word means what you think it means.

Aww. He's so cute!


Damnit! Stupid NBC. >.<

I love you for the use of Jericho.

I actually wash my jeans more often than I wash my bras, but try to have them line up.

They're actually filming this (or, at least parts of it) here in Winnipeg. I've heard and seen pics of streets being closed in the Exchange for filming.

It looks kind of ridiculous, but I will see it for Hawkeye - I mean, Jeremy Renner.

I work part time in retail and I HATE THIS. If you're ordering something or need to deal with a cashier, either hang up, or put the person you're talking to on fucking hold. Don't be a dickweed.

My mom has one, and when I moved out, I missed that big son of a bitch dearly. And then about a year ago, one of my aunts upgraded hers to a bigger beast, so I was the lucky recipient of her "old" machine. LOVE IT.

That's why I usually select English (UK) when English (Canada) isn't available.

I want pancakes now.

I've got two at work (identical LG Flatron W2242TQ), and because I liked it so much, I bought a second for my home system (two different sizes - I don't remember what they are right now).

**EMPHASIZE** **ALL** THE ******THINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!**************!??!?!?!?!?!?eleventy

Depends where you are. Costcos in Alberta have a separate little kiosk store thing that sells booze. In Manitoba, with the lovely provincial overlords of booze, they can't. Although, I'm not sure what's going on with that law that went through (I think) where other stores can get a permit to sell some booze...

I can see that. I think most Canadians do that. I'm pretty level-headed until I get behind the wheel. Then everyone else is a fucking idiot out to kill me.