Aunty Social

I've found it's the type and brand of sunscreen that makes the biggest difference for me. I've turned crispy with a waterproof lotion SPF 60 but have been totally fine with a spray on sport SPF 35. I'm also someone who will burn to a crisp if I look at the sun sideways, too.

I learned to drive in a Buick (and now I drive a Hyundai Accent), big cars aren't that much of a deal. It's all what you're used to.

I thought that's what whoever was sitting in the front passenger seat was for?

... Isn't that what he said?

The penny is still a Thing and will still be legal tender (just like the old $2 and $1 bills are still legal tender, but are rare to see).

Say your total comes to $12.36.

That's a very similar way to how I do it. I had to crush my pills and mix them up in jam or peanut butter or something up until I was 16-17. If I have to take those giant horse pill sized antibiotics? IT'S NOT FUN, Y'ALL.

I'm excited for the Cumbersmaug.

I would watch the shit out of a Marvel Zombies movie.

I had a girl in my Brownie unit a couple of years ago who went out as Iron Man two years in a row. It was pretty awesome.

But they're just trying to make you think, man!

I win! :)

Brownies or GTFO. Best. Line. EVER.

Brownies can be made with dark chocolate and they are awesome.

Well, just go shopping in the US. With the higher duty-free amounts, you can get LOTS of pennies!

Dark. Chocolate. Brownies. 4. EVA.

Hearted for awesome.