
It's a toss-up for me.

And it would nice to see her get into trouble for her own purposes (due to her own actions, to serve her own storyline) rather than just being damsel-in-distress'd all the time to be used against the men in her life.

Maybe she can morph in and out of it depending on her mood/persona.

Does it in any way involve evil speedsters?

"I don't understand why my children can't understand the value of my lying to them, kidnapping them, and just generally doing ruthless things on their behalf?"


I truly believe that Iris is one of the worst-written characters on current television.

"Moira we later learned was probably already planning to have Ollie kidnapped & tortured to find out what he knew."


And more than one. Tommy, Moira, and Laurel have all died and stayed dead. And it all mattered a great deal to the show and characters.

And since this will continue into next year, I'm hopeful that they'll finally delve into what exactly the whole Caitlin vs. Killer Frost actually is.

I still can't believe Julian came out of this unscathed.

If she comes to Arrowvers and Barry is still trapped in the Speed Force, I'd love to see her hook up with Oliver. That relationship has had so little time to develop and I really want to see more.

Plot twist: Iris joins the League of Doom and starts displaying the masks of slain superheroes on her wall like trophies (ala Damien Darkhe in Doomworld).

Oh, I completely agree. There's absolutely no meat to their relationship whatsoever. Why does Barry love Iris? Specifically, what is it about her personality that draws him to her?

Or better yet, make our new Caitlin/Killer Frost the lead.

And it would give her something to do other than be Barry's girlfriend.

It's actually kind of nice that they went "talking the villain down" route over "punching in face" or "beating in a race."

I blame the lack of earned material in the Barry-Iris relationship in large part due to the fact that the writers are seemingly incapable of giving her any kind of a personality whatsoever.

I wish I could say I was surprised that they undid Iris's death. I get that there's value in letting HR sacrifice himself in her placeā€¦but I still think it would've been more interesting (and more gutsy) if they had let Iris's death stick.