
It's the darkest timeline.

To be fair, it could also just be the single-episode format made it easier to get distracted by other shows. Whereas if it was serialized, it would be harder to let go.

I love this interpretation. And if it was carried over into next season, it would give Caitlin some great story material to work with.

Clark Gregg has a wonderful talent for comedy.

Man, I'm a pretty fervent follower of the MCU, but I just can't seem to bring myself to care about the Inhumans tv series.

The Daisybot army would've been the perfect thing to send against the Zack Roerig McGowan army.

Starting out the season, I never would've guessed Aida would become the big bad. They've done a spectacular job at navigating her to this point.

At this point, I would argue Aida is more Rogue than anyone else.

I'm constantly impressed at the way the show continually avoid common pitfalls to drive a wedge between Simmons and Fitz (that so many other shows cater to in order to fabricate tension). There's always been a refreshing amount of maturity in their relationship and how the writers handle it.

And Coulson can show him his shield!

I just died when Zack McGowan said that line about not having a shield to hide behind, and then Coulson decapitated him with his hand shield. That was utterly amazing.

The Coulson/May material this episode was just GOLD. Every time I think I can't love the two of them together more… I was cackling with glee at practically every one of their scenes.

I rewatched all of DS9 a year ago and loved it. I tried to rewatch TNG and didn't get past fifth season.

I like Julian and would hate to see him die. I'd be especially sad if it's requisite for Caitlin's transition in any way (since that's what his character would essentially be pared down to).

It would've given Gustin a lot of great material to work with, that's for sure. And given us a better glance at Evil Barry.

If not with Barry, then with Caitlin I imagine.

To me, one of the dumbest moments of last season came after Barry returned from the Speed Force. And Team Flash was basically:

I have a sinking feeling that Caitlin's resurgence will come via:
a) Julian talking the Caitlin side into regaining control because love
b) Killer Frost killing Julian

There's a LOT of improvement that could've been made if they had revealed Savitar's identity sooner. Imagine if it had come in the mid-season finale and instead of Barry obsessing about another woman close to him being fridged, he could've grappled with the notion of one day potentially becoming a villain.

Also, comparing Flash to Voyager…ouch.