
The fact that part of her investigative process meant using her trust-issues friend to bust in on a date to grill her ex, and then essentially what amounts to breaking and entering, I worry the character still has a lot to learn about a little thing called "journalistic integrity."

You could do worse than J Jonah Jameson.

I can't imagine she would go full-on villainy, even if they do go that route of making her an antagonist. She pretty straddles the line between hero and villain, so I'm hoping it's something along the lines of pushing her more toward the villain side of things for a short while (since she's been on the heroic side of

I thought this episode had a good use of Mon-El. Between him reading Harry Potter, and then hugging Jack and calling it a "man-nection" I enjoyed his screentime.

I enjoyed how painful it was for him to pay her a compliment at the end of the episode.

I kind of worried they were going to use that to drive a rift between them. Like, poor Lena has talked so much about her trust issues and how rare it is for her to have real friends - and Kara using that date as a chance to grill her boyfriend kind of rubbed me wrong.

Yay for Lena becoming a main character next season! She's going to be a great addition to the cast.


Book 10 can be a footnote to Book 11.

Big Bang Theory.

I loved Hunter. He was the best smartass a show could ask for.

Also, channeling it through our tv and movies is often how we cope with and process it.

But does she have enough humanity?

She's always here to enthusiastically gush about the series. :)

Wait, are you saying that a white guy strolling into her dojo and schooling Colleen on martial arts is a problem, or something?

I might be alone in this, but I actually don't think Iron Fist isn't that bad. Certainly not as bad as the reviews suggest. Sure, Danny's character has a lot of issues. But I rather love Colleen. And pretty much all the material surrounding Harold and Ward is sincerely great.

And it really does go to show how much a tv series with a slow/mediocre start deserves a chance. Many other shows before AoS have proved this - and even back in season one, a lot of fans were having a hard time hearing it. It's so great seeing what it's managed to evolve into having been given that chance.

Mack, Mace, May.

Btw, the AoS facebook page has a video of BJ Britt celebrating his return by putting #TripLives post-its all over set, that's definitely worth watching.

No, I really think it's just that it could've been a fundamentally silly story, but the show handled it with aplomb.