
I don't believe we know when Fitz was replaced by an LMD. Quite possibly during the Ghost Rider arc. We know that May was the first in the Framework, and then Radcliffe probably shoved Fitz right in after her once it started to come together.

But can't we love each on their own merits? I get kind of sad whenever I see anything along the lines of:

Patton Oswalt would approve this comment.

AoS stands wonderfully on its own. It doesn't need the film characters to bolster it up (like it was clawing for in first season). And like you said, it would only detract from the characters regular viewers actually care about.

Now I'm picturing Coulson sitting in some kind of interrogation/brainwashing chamber looking bored.

I take it you're not watching this season of Arrow? It's been stellar.

It would also depend on how elaborate the programming is for NPCs inside the Framework. Did it just contextualize them enough for the reality going back a short time - or did it create entire histories for each of them in turn?

It could be a tad cliche, but I imagine they could work out having the right person to snap them out of it. Like Simmons getting through to Fitz.

Sometimes he's a fascist and sometimes he isn't…

Which means we could get a Captain Cold/Heatwave cameo.

Is it contentment if it's sadism?

Also: most of television.

I feel like with Fitz tonight they well and truly established how hard it's going to be turning them all be to their real selves to escape.

The Evil May and Fitz stuff is killing me. I honestly don't know whether to root for them to turn around, or just be terrified of them.

Also Mack to an extent. Watching him with his daughter, I can't help thinking that he might not want to leave.

I got such a kick out of his conspiracy theory fanboying.

I just wish BioWare hadn't forgotten its top-down CRPG roots. Origins is pretty much my favorite game ever, but then they went in such radically different directions for II and Inquisition.

I think for me it may have just been that this far into the series, I've already seen so many mind-blowing areas that III would've had to really do something incredibly unexpected to surprise me. For instance, perhaps I would've been more impressed if III had been my first game in the series, rather than my fifth.

I've found that if I list off my favorite tv shows, there's not one I could say with confidence has a purely great run with no hiccups. Closest would probably have to be FNL and BSG - and even they had rough seasons.

Can I vote Eric and Tami as tie for leads? By which I mean, best co-leads?