I dunno, I think the writers like Arthur Darvill too much to off the character. A feeling I rather share. I'd be genuinely surprised if they kill Rip - and I certainly wouldn't happy if they did.
I dunno, I think the writers like Arthur Darvill too much to off the character. A feeling I rather share. I'd be genuinely surprised if they kill Rip - and I certainly wouldn't happy if they did.
That whole exchange had me giggling like mad.
I loved the turnabout in his scene with Stein where Stein (and the audience) believe Mick is just generally mocking him, as he's wont to do - but instead, he actually showed real insight and understanding to the situation.
When is Mick not great?
I thought this was one of the more Doctor Who moments he's had. His true love is the ship!
I know LoT has the advantage in that it's the only Arrowverse show that's ensemble-driven…but I still think it's fair to say it has the best ensemble of any show in its universe.
Since they can return her to 1942 whenever they want, I'm betting they'll keep her around long-term. Fan response (from what I've seen) is considerably more positive than it was towards Kendra, so I imagine that will be a mark in the character's favor.
I like your read on it. It felt to me like he was defaulting back into the role and they were all accepting it - though I imagine we'll have it confirmed one way or the other next week.
This episode featured no less than Amaya using a totem to communicate with a dinosaur, while Sara and Jax fought their doppelgangers inside Rip's mind - and yet we also got meaningful material like that conversation about partnership between Mick and Stein, and a ton of hilarious dialogue. I'm constantly impressed at…
Also potentially true in real life.
I loved Lynette myself - but I thought all the main women brought something to the table.
Yeah, I found Alex's behavior to be pretty reckless this episode.
I soooo agree with this.
I'm not really a fan of him myself.
Now, nobody tell Iris anything…
I like the relationship if only because it better emphasizes how well Mon-El fills out the space than James did. And when the show's not mining it for needless drama, I think it actually serves both characters pretty well.
That's actually part of the problem. Kara would have a right to be upset - but at the same time, the whole thing is being so predictably contrived by the writers to cause drama in their relationship, it's hard not to be exasperated by the likely dissolution of said relationship.
Couldn't agree more.
But that's what I'm saying. I think the less-is-more approach they've used this season is working for the character since she's still a bit of a question mark as to what side she'll land on. Once that's resolved (I imagine at the end of the season) then it will likely be more definitive whether she's choosing to be…