Yes please! Sara and Amaya are outnumbered 10 to 1 - it shouldn't be this hard to even up the ratio.
Yes please! Sara and Amaya are outnumbered 10 to 1 - it shouldn't be this hard to even up the ratio.
Also applicable to the writers.
She'll provide their link to the MCU.
Oh, I love that idea! It troubles me to think that May - even sans Bahrain - might be won over by Hydra. But to fight it from the inside would be perfect.
You almost make me want to rewatch first season.
Definitely not, since Earth-2 Wells is pretty much the greatest. Still pretty entertaining all the same.
AoS was so stellar tonight, I honestly feel it unfair trying to compare anything else to it. Everyone's just inevitably going to come up short.
I would be okay if the first few episodes only take place in the Framework. They could gradually transition into real-world material as the story goes.
Which I rather love. AoS is doing a lot of the worldbuilding where the movies aren't or can't.
But he'll never admit to it! I love Stein's fussy arrogance.
No one thought to reprogram Gideon? Oi.
Oh that boo was absolutely aimed at the network.
Not to worry. I think we're going to be seeing more than one character from first season return for this arc.
For a show that's been depressingly low on female characters, I appreciated how much this episode was driven by its female characters. Sara, Amaya, Guinevere and Stargirl were steering the ship and it was enormously refreshing.
"Your leper will have to remain outside the gates."
Tuesday nights are getting crowded, but I'm really enjoying this show as a sugary dessert to follow the meaty meal provided by Agents of SHIELD. Damien Darkhe posing as "The Black Knight" to mind-control King Arthur and all of his knights? Oh, it's all just so delightfully nutty.
Nate bitching about it all reminded me starkly of the Doctor Who where they meet Robin Hood and the Doctor spends the whole episode complaining about how none of those people should really exist.
I heart Arrowverse, but when any of the series struggle in quality, I wonder if it isn't because they have the same producers trying to see to four series all at once. AoS is part of a larger universe, but it also benefits from being its own niche. It's probably why the show has soared in quality while so many…
That was some damn fine television. The Ghost Rider arc was good, but the LMD arc has been amazing. Probably just about the best this show has ever been (and that's saying something).