
I thought this was a great episode! The show has struggled a lot at having real consequences, real complications to challenge the characters. And Evil Rip was a fantastic way of going about that.

Oh sure. But seeing her play an actual human being made me better appreciate how she's managed - especially with voice inflection and body language - in playing a robot.

Also having May on the sidelines is bumming me out. I hope she escapes sooner rather than later.

I thought of it as a vacuum cleaner, but Pokeball works too.

I also got a laugh out of Daisy repeatedly blowing up John Pyper-Ferguson.

If only…

Performance helped a lot as well.

Agents of SHIELD and Arrowverse both have regular dudes that are in some stage of gaining/striving for superpowers as a plotline, but there's one key difference here: James, Nate, and Ray all want to be superheroes; Mace just genuinely wants to help. Point Mace.

That sounds good. We need to see James undergo some training montages where he gets the tar beaten out of him for a while. He needs to better earn his stripes.

Heh, true.

I love this idea!

I can see that. I think it was just invariably going to be overshadowed by the "return" of Laurel and all the Black Canary stuff.

Heh, good point.

That could just as easily be attributed to Wild Dog's personality.

Can there ever be anything as stupid as Joe and Iris keeping secrets from each other?

There's a big difference between forgetting about a character, and letting someone (who's only recurring anyway) fall to the backburner for a couple episodes while they concentrate on storylines that would be hindered by having her shoehorned into them.

I liked season three up until the last three episodes.

Not really. Oliver knows he's reached the limit of how he can help, so he brings in others (like Adrian and Felicity) that he knows can help make up the difference. It's not neglect - is diverting tasks to those better suited for them.

I would've preferred him playing Hawkman to the dude that played *snore* Carter.

The word "Hacktivist" gave me season-one Skye flashbacks. And not in a good way.