Ugh, every time James kept insisting he was "meant for this" I wanted to punch him right in his face. What a load of bs.
Ugh, every time James kept insisting he was "meant for this" I wanted to punch him right in his face. What a load of bs.
Can I put in a vote that Livewire become to Supergirl what Captain Cold became to Flash?
I really think the problem with James is that he got what he wanted with no complications. He wanted to become a superhero - he became a superhero with no fuss, setbacks, or failures. So it's made him really smug. Even tonight when he was totally right about what Mon-El is really in this for, he was being such a…
Fair enough.
But that's not what I'm referring to here. Last season they brought back Reverse Flash in an episode that explained it away by saying that he had managed to survive thanks to a pocket universe. It was pre-Flashpoint.
I suppose then this would make Mike Pence Damar.
They really didn't have much in the way of Oliver and Kara sans Barry and I'd love to see more. Barry's an easy bridge between them - and they're such different personalities, if you take away that bridge, there's a ton of interesting possibilities there.
I like the idea of the Black Canary mantle being passed on because it works to have BC be a part of the show's mythology, and the idea of a superhero mantle being passed from one person to the next isn't all that uncommon in comics.
I thought he came back because of that pocket universe nonsense they came up with on last season of The Flash.
True, but they could adjust it for next season.
I like the idea that the scruff has become tv's equivalent of the goatee. (Which I believe Stephen Amell is never going to happen.)
I kind of like that idea. That means Prometheus is Earth-2 Robert Queen.
That would make the most sense, since I think it's fair to assume flashback Oliver had no idea she was connected to Ra's and the League.
I think a difference here by what I mean (I can't speak for @disqus_Pl90eY9Rcf:disqus) is a maturity in the material. Arrow - by virtue of its tone - is more likely to explore things like identity, grief, trauma, the morality of killing, what distinguishes heroes and villains, etc in a way none of the others do by…
She was the Yao Fei to Laurel.
It is still criminal to me that they never found a way to permanently incorporate Nyssa on this show. She's awesome.
Oh, I love that idea!
I intentionally avoided the trailer. I've gotten to the point of not wanting to be spoiled that I won't even watch the trailers anymore.
And we love him for it.
That sounds great to me! I hope the show finds a way to move past a lot of the drama that bogged it down second season and return to form with Matt, Karen, and Foggy running the law firm (which was when the show was at its best).