
“We want everything to be totally different and better but at the same thing nothing should change in the slightest”. I see that attitude with clients all the time. Those are two mutually exclusive states. Radical change always creates unrest and usually in ways/populations you didn’t expect or intend. Can’t be

“we will cross that bridge when we come to it” we cannot wait and go back to the drawing board any longer. It’s your attitude that got us here to begin with.


So basically it’s a 55" LG OLED TV that sells for $1600 but with Freesync, much worse brightness, no built-in speakers, no tv/smart tv functionality... at double the cost. What a deal.

BMW polled their 1 series owners and most of them didn't even know they were RWD. So guess what, the new 1 series is now FWD. Most people don't care how their car is propelled.


Roughly half of Hong Kongers speak English. It was a British colony until 1997.

Get an EV already. You live in CA for crying out loud.

Which is why I have zero problem saying his supporters are all fucking scum. 

This, it’s literally the one and only thing they care about. Not a single other thing in the universe matters to them.

The fact that no one shouted, “A Klan rally!” when Trump asked if there was anything better than a Trump rally is a crushing disappointment to me personally.

It’s been said before, but I’ll say it again... it doesn’t matter if he’s lying. They love that he’s attacking people they don’t like. he and his supporters are so far removed from reality that it doesn’t matter. But at least they have their racist/misogynist/hateful bingo card to fill.

Yeah, we still have racism and milkshakes, why do we need to reminisce about the 50's?

I’m down for it. Star Wars as an extended franchise has been much better on television then it has sequel movies as of late.

“I suffer from depression too, and at one point I wanted to quit Amazon. But I realized it was my fault for the problems I was dealing with, and not Amazon’s. I’m allowed to talk to people, but sometimes I don’t want to. Now I have some great coworkers to pass the nights with.”

Two unpaid ten minute breaks per shift sounds terrible. That’s not a benefit.

Can you blame those FC Ambassadors, though? I mean...

I love these conservative dystopia concepts because everyone always looks so happy in them. Really tells you where the priorities are.